Lauren called bobby crying that Jim talked about her yesterday

184  2017-10-12 by Dennyislife

This is why women should be thrown in a fire. Enough.


I think he was talking about Dave

Point still stands.

I think you were right the first time but im still going to spread the rumor that Dave was crying



You know your an awesome comedian when your name has to contain "comedian" in it to identify yourself as one.

exactly, nice stage-name douche!


good bot! :)

Good bot


eww, what a shit username.

Wait. Say what actually happened.

But dave said their 'side were splitting' when they listened to jim talking about Lauren... oh daves a filthy dirty liar

His kind should be pushed from roof tops, squawking their feeble protests like the graceless beasts they are.

Sounds like someone needs a nap.

relax mujahid


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'relax mujahid'.

We were fawkin HOWLING

they were at the cumio kool poker table listening to the clip

Is Dave a known member of the Kool Kumia Klub?

The best ending to all of this is she breaks up with Dave over this nonsense.

You forgot to add "and then dave drinks drain cleaner"

and then fucks the scrawny worm? no chance. thats his whole problem and why he set his nerds loose on dave. hopefully she sues him for all of his tranny prostitute spending money for sexual harassment.

i can't tell if you love dave or hate chip but either one makes you repulsive.

says a guy that is in a fan club of a sexual deviant hack with no hope of survival once all of you guys reach 25 and realize his only prayer for success is riding the opie character to death and his squad of faggots paying to see him suck at stand up after 30 fucking years.

is that what you call this place, a fan club?

that and a faggot dating page.

well maybe you can go take a long walk off a short pier

Go back to the Los subreddit, nigger

go fuck your whoe mother like i just did

You seem upset.

Good one

as oppesed to your genius comment go bas to los sub nigger? eat my hairy asshole you fucking pediphile loving transexual.

That wasn't a good one, loser.

Ok you beta fucking retard with no future prospects or pussy possibilities. Kill yourself now and do your parents the favor they deserve.

Ew, creep.

We get it, you know bad words. Just maybe next time try to spell them properly when you're using them to try to demean someone's intelligence

Nobody expects or wants Norton to end up with Lauren.

except norton

free market decides.

Lauren's a sensitive person. She apparently feels some insecurity about her physical appearance, and having a bunch of random people (even the ones in this sub) laugh at her physical flaws had an impact on her self-esteem. I wouldn't doubt that it's contributing to her failing health. The chin jokes are amusing, but after 100 or so times, they begin to burn and probably make her more self-conscious about cameras and going out. This along with other issues would push most women over the edge.

Dave is an idiot for not figuring it out on his own. I suppose he thinks she sees this as a joke because she puts on a happy face. But being labeled an unfunny hole with few redeeming qualities, along with the chin jokes.What would most women do? Laugh it off, and try not to cry in front of people they respect. Then let it burn inside of them as they break down and try to overcompensate by not eating, working harder, exercising more, seeing a cosmetic surgeon.

Jesus dude.. now I just feel bad for tweeting all those Dick Dastardly memes at her...

... ah she's a woman, so fuck her and her clown shoes

I'm sure she appreciates the creativity. How often do women in their 20s come across Dick Dastardly? That's something a girl displays proudly to their friends and family.

Hey now. What did I do

Not you bro 👊

Thank you for outlining all the reasons women don't belong in the world of comedic entertainment.

Fair enough, sir.

pffft I'm fawkin hilarious since i fell out my muddas cootah

fawkin ten billion laffs

Thank you for outlining all the reasons women don't belong in the world of comedic entertainment.

I second this.


I can only hope that is true. You know her personally or are you speculating?

I'm keeping this on Lauren if she is upsets her she doesnt have the approval of any one of us degenerate humans.

She was the first person to make a chin joke on that podcast.

I find it hilarious that you think women's emotions aren't this fickle.

why were they laughing he wasnt saying anything to laugh about.

Islam is for women's own good.

Someone put this on a t shirt

Dave smith fucking sucks. The way Lauren is funny is if she has a seizure on camera and dies.

Dave said she had the thickest skin of any woman he's ever known. More lies

Actually I think the quote was "like the thickest skinned chick like"

Yeah my mistake. Dope can't finish a thought

*Thick chinned

the thickest chin

That broad has got a glass-jaw I tells ya...

8 inch thick nuclear submarine glass

8 inches ≈ 20 cm

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10

Oh literal metric_units

can anthony KO her, so far hes 0-3 or something vs women

When Bobby hired Lauren, everything he feared would go wrong did.

He was like "she's great, she's married & has no aspirations for being a comic." a year later she's doing stand-up shows that Bobby has to promote (which looks bad for him promoting bad comedy), she's fucking comics, she's causing drama. Bobby is one dumb dude

He kept picturing that big chin as a delicious, buttery crescent roll.

Her white trashness should have been a good enough red flag.

I'm just now learning that Bobby has the power to hire anyone at all

I genuinely remember him saying "you're going to leave your husband and start fucking comics, and it's going to break this whole crew up."

he was wrong about that last bit though. I'm sure they'll still hang out. it just made dave look controlling and dishonest.

Do you have audio of that?

it was on YKWD, not a subscriber

He's fat also.

This point deserves greater emphasis

are you serious? bobby is bad comedy.

No, I'm saying it looks bad for him to be promoting bad comedy. Like when he promotes Lauren's "comedy" shows, he is sending fans to see shitty open-mic comedy.

yeah, but he also does shitty almost open mic level comedy and hes been trying for 25 years. maybe the least funny person that claims to be a comic. his promotion means nothing. bobby has latched on to 2 generations of young ny comics to stay relevant by giving podcast spots while every one he started with went on to do something. his wife supports the family. he makes spending money.

Wow that's reality based hating right there. Davey?

these are all facts. jims transexual prostitute?

This is the reality of what happened.

Bobby has loveable but flawed loyalty. I can't hate the man for that.

Dude ya got your podcast network, ya hire a hole as a producer, she starts fucking a no talent hack. Then boom, everyone's fighting.

I genuinely feel sorry for him. She's become everything that you don't want an employee.

Again, why isn't she calling Jim?

She's not allowed otherwise her boyfriend will throw a tantrum.

Did Jimmy say that?

Ya know what dude, ya got your big chin and your hurt feelins'.... BOOM now ya gotta placate your cuck boyfriend and quit


But didn't Dave say Lauren was the toughest, least sensitive women he has ever met?

With women, these could both be true

Yes but he said chick

This is why you can never trust what a woman says. They are instinctively deceitful. Lauren was laughing, singing Chip's praises, and told everyone how she loved the job.

Men take what people say at face value, but women are cowards, and expect everyone to read their minds and play their retarded games.

For real, some won't tell the truth unless they're miles away in the safety of their home. God forbid they looked someone in the eye and gave them any honesty.

I'll make sure to bring the belt sander next time I do, I'll tell you that much. If I've gotta be there in person it's important to be equipped with the tools to help her.

Chip changed her bum life and she's "howling laughing at him talking about her leaving the show." What a stupid cunt, it is mind boggling how some women bite the hand that feeds them.

"Tha pretty ones are always crazy, Chipppuh. Get yourself a nice lady with hamhock ankles."

I see a lawsuit brewing. Never trust those people Chippa.

u/robocopsboner just said this on the thread below, but I'm starting to agree: Islam is the only way these broads are gonna fall in line. I WANTED THEM TO HAVE FREEDOM AND AUTONOMY. But they couldn't just take that; they had to take OURS too, and everything we like they had to steal or butt their way into. It couldn't just be all nice and orderly; it had to go the route of passive-agressiveness and duplicitousness with all this feminist shit, where they want more responsibility but they cant REALLY take it. Everything must be taken apart piece by piece and nothing can be fun anymore, because as much as they try to front that they're "strong", they CANT COPE WITH ANYTHING.

Islam or Hasidic Judaism. Have a REAL patriarchal system for a couple of years, just so they can see how bad it can get and they can stop complaining about what they already have, which is a lot more than they think.

women are warm holes with soft skin, don't work yourself up over them bubeleh

Sometimes this place seems like it would be a great dad. Thanks, pops.

The quickest way to stop the Islamification of the West is to make the popular perception be that straight white men are embracing it en masse.

Only once straight white men stop fighting it, THEN women, faggots and minorities will rally against it. But until then, we're racist pieces of shit.

Allahu Ackbar, sock cuckers.

Straight white men would have to embrace it WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Not like that faggy Pepe/Kekistan shit; like really give the perception that they're totally embracing it, like people who are Born Again. Only then will you have Slate and all those idiots coming with their torches against Islam.

I think weaponized autism could force attention to it. Like, if /b/tards decided to turn Islam into a meme and use it to justify some great racist/misogynist trollings irl, at the very least the media would have to come up with a term for why incel neets are embracing it, even if it's ironically, and only the worst parts ("totally radical islam" is my vote).

But it would take a coordinated effort, and the reason /b/ works is because it's sustained by white teenage men who don't think the world is worth saving. So start memorizing Quran verses incase you ever board the wrong flight and never leave a load up in a cooter.

Come on, I feel bad for her. She fell for a cocksucker that totally misread the situation and made her lose face even more than himself. She's a victim here, dumb for falling for a faggot like that though but still.

She could stand to lose a little face

she'll be spotted in Wickenburg, AZ

My sides are splitting with laughter.

bobby told her "just tell Dave to make you a sandwich honey" you will feel better

Artificial breeding pools WHEN?

I check out for a week, what the hell did I miss?

Did the guy from here kill his kid when you last checked in? Because that's old news.

time flies when you're having fun. kids fly when you're stealing soundbars

White Sharia

Can't wait to never hear about her again.

This point deserves greater emphasis

says a guy that is in a fan club of a sexual deviant hack with no hope of survival once all of you guys reach 25 and realize his only prayer for success is riding the opie character to death and his squad of faggots paying to see him suck at stand up after 30 fucking years.