Not for nothing, but PrEP boy came off way worse than LOS did.

0  2017-10-12 by disawayisthrows

I listened to both interviews, Dave Smith - despite being a hack Libertarian comic - treated the situation far more normally than Jimmy did. His comment about Jim acting like the Chip podcast was inside the actor's studio was dead on the money.

I don't understand why Jimmy can't grasp how strange he's acting. Guaranteed he'll throw a shitfit about motherfucking someone on today's show.


Fuck anyone who thinks they get to decide how seriously Jim should take his work now that it's succeeding.

Fuck Dave for opening his mouth in the first place to give his kike opinion no one asked for.

Fuck his Rocky-Dennis-looking cunt whore for managing to add NOTHING and still manage to mess it up. I hope her health issue is terminal, fuck the cunt.

This sounds like a rational response.

Chin McGillicutty ghosted the host of the show she is on, as if she's a fucking highschool girl ignoring the nerd she's stuck doing a project with, and then according to her faggot boyfriend, laughed about how he had the audacity to communicate with her - someone he's making money with.

Fuck that unprofessional cunt. She isn't funny, she was "the hot chick" because she was the only thing with a cunt in a room occupying Ant and Jim, and if rumours are true she is such a retard that she left the show because her faggot manlet boyfriend doesn't get how jokes work. He can't even kike correctly - she's on a successful podcast so he advises her to leave? I hope the both of them go Vizio shopping.

this is the most dead on take I've read.

I think one thing that maybe some people are overlooking in thinking some nefarious plot was taken to fuck Norton and show disrespect to the Chip character is if Dave says he never cared about O&A, then Lauren definitely wasn't a fan. So to her it was just a job (yeah I know Dwayne Johnson blah blah blah) and if she was really that mad about Bob Kelly and wanted to quit podcasting and comedy then she doesn't feel she owes the show a return to write herself off.

She absolutely should have communicated with Jim at least at her last show being nice and thanking him. But I think it's less Dave ordering her to quit and more her maybe being kind of a cunt in general and not seeing Chip as anything but getting paid to have a guy in a wig do a silly voice talking about his peckah. If she did this to Last Podcast on the Left nobody here would care.

Because Lauren's decision doesn't directly negatively effect Dave.

So why would Jim treat the situation the same as Dave?

Yeah because Lauren's exit = instant undeniable degrade in the quality of the chip podcasts.

C'mon man.

Do you know what a producer does?