To my Los Angeles Friends

0  2017-10-12 by Virginia_Beach

Thank you. Spent a week in Southern CA and visited the comedy store twice. Hands down, best club in the states. Went to Zankou afterwards to soak up the buzz. Fucking great. Jeff Garlin roasted me and my girl the first night for ten minutes cause we had stage seats, and the second time we saw Judd Appatow, Adam Devine, Pete Holmes, Dane Cook, Deon Cole, Steve-O, Harland Williams, and it was amazing to see that amount of talent on a Tuesday night. Especially, 2nd row, Center. Dane had the weakest set, predictably. He looks like rogan now. Beefed up, and strange. Definitely roids. Steve-O headlined, oddly enough, but told stories we heard on O&A, but he brought his dog on stage with him and told stories about doing coke with A listers. Highlight was, me getting to converse with Jeff Garlin and Harland Williams. Garlin killed. No set. Just roasted the crowd for twenty minutes. Think, intellectual Vos.

And I know this is gay, but the people from LA were super friendly and cool. Was not expecting that. Saw Montell Williams, Lisa Vanderpump, and a few others during our time eating our there. But, fuck, the comedy store is incredible, and I just wanted to thank the three guys on this board for giving me tips. So, if you ever head to VA BEACH, I’ll take good care of ya’ll.

I hate to interrupt your Lauren gossip, so, hen about.

My dudes, below. And fuck you faggots who downvote this.

/u/heelers /u/Doc_McCoyxyz /u/kolschguy


Kill yourself, fucking faggot.

Cute. Using a line from the show to attempt to insult me.

How about taking your blog about shitty middle eastern food and comedians to Live Journal?

I gave you an opportunity to slam me harder, and that’s the best you’ve got? First off, faggot, this is a sub about a defunct show that revolves around comedy. And since the show does not exist anymore, hence the word ‘defunct’, we talk about comedy and comedians. I’ve been here for years despite several name changes, but I’ve never seen you here until tonight. So, go fuck yourself, idiot. I don’t know what Live Journal is, but I suggest you write your suicide letter in it. You think you’re edgy? You think you’re cool? You’re not. I’m simply thanking those who gave me advice, and for you to insert yourself into the mix is fucking douchey. Go fuck yourself.

Haha this will be a fun one to revisit when the monsters wake up. majin_babidi starting off strong.

Patrice and Garlin on Tough Crowd I'm sure Garlin thrives in LA without anyone to call out his mediocrity.

I will watch this later. I only know Garlin from Curb. He was high as fuck on stage and killed without any prepared material. Appatow, eh, hacky, but pretty funny and less political than I expected.

Yes, I wanted to hold hands with all of you guys

I'm doing sober october cause it takes a rhyme to better myself. I'm saying I'm a little on edge and I sounded like a bit of a douche here. I don't doubt Garlin killed with crowd work, sounds like an overall fun time although not my preference comedy wise. I'd recommend sliding in your dudes DM's next time you want to thank them for LA advice.

I'd rather get shot in the fucking head than see any of those people.

Glad you enjoyed your visit to Los Angeles. You don't belong here.

How about taking your blog about shitty middle eastern food and comedians to Live Journal?