Wow I wasn't expecting dave's explanation to not explain anything.

35  2017-10-12 by xavier_stock

Just him yammering on about nothing for god knows how's long, cursing out norton and saying he can't give details.

I hate this faggot.


He is so lying.

gas is preparing Laurens first special where she tells the whole story.

these are just teasers.

"I don't want to speak for Lauren or put words in her mouth because then our stories won't match up".

Rubs palms kosherly

I didn't watch, he cursed out Norton?

He's just chippin ya babe.

I watched a bit of the stream, but it was too choppy. He called him a glenn beck motherfucker, whatever that means.

Face facts, Jimmy has lost his mind and this is more examples of it.

What do you mean? Jim explained the situation clearly from his side of it, how he felt and how he didn't want to assume anything. It sounded pretty reasonable to me.

Jimmy doing a retard character is more popular than anything dave smith has ever done

Or ever will do

I was. Because that's what he is. A boring nothing that speaks for a long time but never says anything. He barely has facial expressions when emotional, he has no discernible characteristics. He's a vanilla blandy. He's like Doug Funnie if he were real, but with less personality and less confidence. He's every black comic's parody of a boring corny white guy. He's the quiet guy in the group of friends who takes up space at every gathering just being an anchor who never does anything memorable. Even his name is as bland as they come.

Doug Not Funnie


sorry friend, im stealing "vanilla blandy", however i can repay with a rub and tug if required.

ps please require.

Dave looked like such a little weasel backed into a corner forced to explain his manipulative overbearing behavior. coming up with any rationale he could muster to explain away his girlfriends sudden disappearance. Lauren's probably locked in a closet until the chin reduction he bought is fully healed.

I like how in the first 10 minutes of LOS Dave says "i'll tell you exactly whats going on" and also says "i cant tell you everything"... Dave you Vague, generic, dollar store comedian you fucked up good this time.