Does anyone know why Jim and Big Jay hate each other?

16  2017-10-12 by peopleforgetthat


Jim hates Korn and Big Jay thinks KISS is for homos

They're both right.

Big Jay has no idea how to tell a story and comedy consists of crowd work. Not good

Jim can't tell a story for shit either though

No, U are.

Does Jim like any younger comic that didn't come up at the Comedy Cellar with any success?

I asked Luis about this and he said they don't hate each other.

Fake ass duide

Bad hombre

Jay wasn't invited to the 4th of july party at Jim's apartment.

Jim doesn't like Jay because he had the best line at the Vos Roast.

" Jim is what happens if a turtle and a librarian fuck"

You know that killed and was probably a Patrice line Jay kept in the chamber for a while.

I fucks with Big Jay and Dave Smith. The Bonfire is consistently hilarious and Part of the Problem is consistently interesting. Norton was a dick for bringing it up on radio like he did. He should have thanked Lauren for her service, stayed vague on her leaving and kept it all behind the scenes. There was no real reason for bringing Dave into it and saying he doesn't want to 'despise him' with the rabid Kool-Ade drinking autistics that are Norton/Chip fans.

No, U are.