348  2017-10-12 by Single_Action_Army


You really nailed the spikiness of jim's awful hair situation.

That’s chip

No it's not chip has luscious locks.


this is brilliant

Fuck (((dave)))

He is a Thetan-level crypto-jew - name really had me fooled.

I wish he hadn't skipped the (((Purification))) rundown on his way up the bridge

after watching his sad excuses on Legion of Skanks, I'm more convinced than ever that he not only manipulated Lauren into leaving the scene, but made her think it was her own idea through a combination of physical abuse and sadistic mind games.

well hell, now i like the guy

Normies drink jew cum and die.

I love the fact that “Jewish” is mentioned multiple times as a negative and it is.

I'm sure that won't ever be mentioned as the basis of some hate agenda, as opposed to legitimate issues with Dave.

Oh I don't know guys, I don't like all of this anti-Semitic talk

They're down voting you because they're not picking up on your sarcasm.

You are being sarcastic, right?

An upvote from the mini chippah is his reward (if he is sarcastic)

tss tss

Fawwwwk yeah

An upvote from the minichippah is your reward

Dave 'virgin' Smith didn't even reply to my text

this is destined to be a top post.

Let’s not forget that SFP probs went triple platinum cuz

Hold on is Dave jewish? It was only mentioned 4 times

This is what this meme format was born for

Not enough pud bulge on Chippah or a big enough schnoz on Dave. Needs to be more realistic.

The chippah also runs with the puns

I like how with Chip's lower half, you can't tell if he's coming or going. He's prolly cummin buckets. Dvvt dvvt!

Thank you for your service.

Dave is a Bitcoin and weed libertarian who huffs farts


Chad Chipperson has a big fawkin' peckah.

Fawkin' uge. Bitches pull it out they be like "Chippah you ain't gonna fit that in my cootah, you'll break it" and Chippah's jus like "Yeah well I breaks it I boughts it" almond shake

This is perfect

My mudder always said "They killed our saviour, Chip"

Beware of the Jewy Kikeburgers Chippa

Seeks out large-chinned mates to give his offspring a normal appearance

Haha, I wonder if this would work IRL

Get this autism out of my face.

Fawkin' uge. Bitches pull it out they be like "Chippah you ain't gonna fit that in my cootah, you'll break it" and Chippah's jus like "Yeah well I breaks it I boughts it" almond shake