In light on the recent sexual assault allegations, I feel safe enough to finally say...Dave Smith forced me to watch him jerk off while he was reading passages from The Wealth of Nation

65  2017-10-12 by A_Friendly_Creeper


Ok time to move on.



sex for money is real and very popular

Ron Paul ate my ass

Ro-on Pau-aul

Build the roads back and to the left

I once walked in on him jerking off over a picture of Andrew Ryan from bioshock. He made me stay until he was finished.

It's nice to know there are other people out there struggling just like me

I'm so sorry.

Would ya kindly

A slave obeys!

At least he didn't make you listen to his podacast...

So brave.

He made me enact scenes from Atlas Shrugged while he tickled his chin and cupped his balls. I thought it was weird until I heard he was dating Lauren.

Sorry he did that to you buddy.

He's a real scumbag. I heard he forces Lauren to get monthly silicone injections in her chin because he secretly wants to fuck Jay Leno.

Fake news, silicone would be much too pliable. She injects epoxy, so it properly hardens.

It's supposed to be plural... Nation's

Same with me.

Now some of the pages of my copy of Milton Friedman's Free to Choose stick together.

Dave Smith took me to the Mises Institute and fingered my son.

Human Action: Children's Edition

He grabbed my butt and stuck a finger in the crack, ol' Dave Affleck

Make it The Fountainhead

Adam Smith yumah.

classical economics n shiznit

I'm so sorry.

Would ya kindly