I've never seen a fatter heroin/coke addict than Artie. His obesity defies science.

0  2017-10-12 by jkrick13


Heroin goes good with pizza brothaman

He's got money. Lots of junkies would eat like pigs if they could afford it.

I heard he was putting that shit on cheeseburgers.

when ratings come in for this month, if they're down, the PD is going to look around the room and ask "what's different?"

To lose weight, he should take some meth and walk to St. Louis.

I heard it's great for that

I don't think he does coke everyday, probably just goes on binges. I have heard opiates make you crave sugar and that's why he was drinking Hawaiian Punch and eating devil dogs all the time on the stern show.

he's had a line like that about himself in his set for like 15 years

The biggest meth head I ever knew was a gigantic fat slob, had to be well over three hundred. Died of a heart attack, natch.