Batman? More like twat man. Dvvv dvvv

13  2017-10-11 by Dennyislife


All these bitches coming out of the woodwork to claim harassment. I call bullshit but then again I hate women...

Professional victims

Did Affleck grab the groin of that jacked black dude?

Blackman or sumphin

Lamar doesn't live in Hollywood.

He walked by me, cupped my butt and pressed his finger into my crack.

I guess he tried to play it like he was politely moving me out of the way and oops touched my butt instead of my lower back?

slick move by batman

pretty slick move, I wish I had the moral courage to do something of the sort

When I was 17 at a gig I drunkenly tried to grab a girls ass. She caught me and gave me a look that now means I like to fuck girls from behind whilst they turn their heads backwards.

My 10+ year older friend I went with got his dick out on the train at every stop on the way home.

God I loved the days before camera phones

Its pronounced "twaht"

We'll fight you for it. WW3 over twat

She's a dumb whore for not taking that as a sign; she could be set for life as the mother of Ben Affleck's kids, but no.

Women are fucking retarded.

How fucking weak are women? A man touching her ass is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to her in her entire life. And that other bitch was talking about how Harvey Weinstein ate her pussy, and then gave her gifts. And that was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. Could you imagine if the roles were reversed? If a powerful woman came up to a man and sucked his dick, and then gave him gifts. That would be the greatest day of his life.

9 thousand followers and has A blue check? They just hand those out now?