The Boy Scouts are now letting WOMEN join. Proving once again that, these days: MEN CAN'T HAVE ANYTHING. Even if its something faggy like Boy Scouts...

14  2017-10-11 by TangerineReam

Of course, no comment as to whether or not Boys will be allowed to join the Girl Scouts...


Is there anything on earth faggier than a man who feels persecuted for being a man?

Is there anything on earth faggier than a man naming himself after an equally faggy cartoon?

Tangerine Dream is faggy kraut space muzak.

Faggy yes, but less faggy then the krautrock that was out there at the time.

Yeah, you are right. Most people do not know how much Kraftwerk sucked before Autobahn. And forget about Hawkwind (although some of their concepts were so over the top they were kind of funny).

I never liked Can, some of Neu is ok. Kraftwerk became the german Beatles after Autobahn, so their earlier stuff isn't even comparable. The musique concrete that came out of Germany around that time was OK. Stockhausen, etc. Around this time, England was fucking with Industrial (Throbbing Gristle) that became Power Electronics/noise (Whitehouse, etc.). That stuff I'm partial to.

I am too. I like post punk stuff, like DNA, Mars, and James Chance.


No he's great, he's still doing it too

I like showing him to my black friends. Usually they laugh or have a painful scowl.

a painful scowl?

uh huh

Why? It's groovy

I know

Why don't you two just fucking make out for christ's sake?

tee hee

I would, but my boyfriend asked me to leave the thread because he feels threatened.

They dId the score for Thief, so they get a pass.

I dont hate them at all. They were much more important in the 80's (arguably) than the 70's. I think they're greta. I really don't like hearing their influence every fucking where I go or on any "deep" game and movie, but whatevs.


sick comeback, brah

teen pregnancy going up this year?

No. They added new badges that you can earn by using duct tape and a sock full of batteries to perform an abortion on an unwilling woman

The guy who used to fuck my mom tried getting me into boyscouts when I was a kid but I hated it. It has all the gay shit chicks like such as socializing so I say let em in.

Sorry, I thought you'd enjoy it.

Yeeeeah, maaaaaaahn, it was so dumb, not enough PUSSSSAAAAY!

Brotha mahn.

"They don't want their shit... they want our shit" - Bill Burr (pre cucked)

"And no men will call them on their bullshit because they wanna fuck 'em!"

Scout Master Paul Hargus was elated by this news. When he was asked for comment he said, "Surrrrreee, I am excided about this news. In my scout den I don't decriminate. Final boys and girls can earn their merit badges in poison removal, fudge packing, and turkey foot."

He went on to state that " a scout den is a special place where one does not tattle on others and our meetings are safe and private."

Perzin removal*

Scouts is fag shit anyway. I got kicked out of Cub Scouts for losing it on a kid's dad and calling him a cocksucker. I only remember riding bikes around my shitty town while using proper turn signals, having to sell apples outside a dollar store like a jerkoff and hanging out in a dingy church basement. I was probably molested.

That's about the sum of Boy Scouts is.

I hope you were molested. All of those lil queers deserve it

They do deserve it. Walking around in those sexy uniforms.

When I was in Cub Scouts, I crashed the soap box derby car into the snack bar by accident. Then at the next "Pac Meeting", they called me up on stage and gave me an award mocking me for being a shitty driver.

Yeah. I quit when I got my Swiss Army knife.

I was in scouts as a kid. Me and my friend pretty much got kicked out because we made fun of this kid so much at summer camp his dad complained.


So are girl scouts being disbanded? If not I'm gonna try to join.

Fucking bullshit. I'm a Scout master who can usually talk 2 or 3 boys into sleeping in my tent on weekend adventures. With women around that's gonna be hard. Fucking bitches.


Is there anything on earth faggier than a man naming himself after an equally faggy cartoon?

No. They added new badges that you can earn by using duct tape and a sock full of batteries to perform an abortion on an unwilling woman

I like showing him to my black friends. Usually they laugh or have a painful scowl.

I know