Hero Ben Affleck: "You should be in church with that rack on display”

49  2017-10-11 by crookedmile


Damn I can't hate Ben Affleck now. Thanks a lot OP.

His brother is just as, if not more, awesome - unfortunately.

Manchester By The Sea is truly a brilliant film.

Gone Baby Gone is when I liked him

That book made me want to get cancer so i can hunt pedophiles with impunity, hoping to hold out to 50 or 60. But yeah, definitely doing that shit... i know, le edge, but wouldn't it be nice though? Do it for the kids and all that.

Affleck's most embarrassing tape is still when he postured as an Islamic white knight on Maher:


Well yeah. He molested that MTV girl in 2003. Him Weinstein and Muslims should all come together under assaulting women

Fuck that's enraging, Faggot McPrettyface has no clue what the grown ups at the table are even talking about.

Against Sam Harris too

I started listening to his podcast recently and generally enjoy it. He's kind of robotic but I think his views are pretty interesting and well-asserted. I know a lot of people despise him and hope that by continuing to listen I'll uncover some insight into why.

Couple of reasons why people may hate Sam Harris:

  • He's critical of every religion except the Jews and Israel

  • Islamists who get liberals to be angry at "Islamophobic" people rage against Sam because he dissects Islam perfectly WITH other Islamic people (Maajid Nawaz, Ayaan Hirsi-Ali)

  • Some of his stuff is argued to be myopic and egotistical at times. He had a bunch of conversations with Jordan Peterson where they disagreed up and down, but even though it came to a relative draw, Peterson came out on top a bit, so the internet went toward him. Peterson is having a real moment right now.

Other than that, I think Sam's stuff is great, and he certainly makes salient points about a lot of things regarding Islam, identity politics, how insane the left has become, etc.

He wrote this:

"It is time we recognized—and obliged the Muslim world to recognize—that “Muslim extremism” is not extreme among Muslims. Mainstream Islam itself represents an extremist rejection of intellectual honesty, gender equality, secular politics and genuine pluralism. The truth about Islam is as politically incorrect as it is terrifying: Islam is all fringe and no center. In Islam, we confront a civilization with an arrested history. It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world."

And then he criticized Trump for banning Muslim from terrorist states from entering the US.

It's only OK for Israelis to turn away muslims.

Fuck Sam Harris.

Well I don't like that he doesn't go after Israel and I did mention that above.

His argument -and this is where he disagreed with Peterson- was that if people could adapt to Western society, which is still the best of all outcomes so far, and leave religion behind (he was one of the atheistic Four Horsemen of course) and all the bullshit from the Bronze Age, then you could really see the innate human morality come forward unhindered, which is what he's hoping muslims will do. He's hoping for a paradigm shift in Islam, which is a lofty goal, but one he thinks he can get to with Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, whom all share the same goal. Peterson, as a clinical psychologist, full well knows that humans are NOT inherently good, and that the emergence of beliefs structures and systems are our way to get to morality. They came to the middle somewhere, but kind of relatively so.

His ideal, and this you can chalk down to him being a liberal, is to bring those people into western civilization, allow them to assimilate while the Rule of Law protects us from their bullshit, and deconstruct their ideas without making them abandon Islam altogether. PROBABLY IMPOSSIBLE, BECAUSE ITS FUCKING ISLAM. But, that's his working idea anyway.

And we're all just supposed to accept being randomly slaughtered and overrun while he pushes for this social experiment which has failed in several countries over several decades. Fuck Sam Harris and fuck Sam Roberts too, just for sub relevancy.

Im not saying it cant be myopic: I said that before.

I come from the school of "When you're right, you're right". Sam has been right A LOT, but it doesn't mean every argument is perfect, or that he's right all the time.

When he's wrong as it pertains to stopping the destruction of modern civilization, all the "rights" under his belt are pretty much negated.

sam's take on trump and the election is one of the worst i've heard. serious delusion. other than that, he's fantastic.

He takes the liberal stance because thats what he is. Fine. No problem with that BECAUSE he's still anti-identity politics. He'll debate you on Trump, not ex-communicate you, get you fired, ruin you life, etc. He's an old school liberal that wants to build an argument on why he hates a thing and expects you to refute that if you can. WAAAAAY more than you can expect from anyone going by the term LIBERAL these days.

his stance on trump is emotional and irrational, which perplexes me because he's so logical about everything else. that's my only gripe with him.

You're crumb creep!

"Don't make me look like I am retarded"

Man, he was drunk off of his ass there.

He and I have the same Sunday mornings...mornings

Harlot set him up

A terrible actor and kind of a dope but fundamentally a good egg.

I don't think he's a bad actor, and he's directed some entertaining movies. I personally don't understand the Ben Affleck hate besides his Bill Maher appearance

Unpopular opinion, but he is probably tied for my 2nd favorite Batman with Bale (Keaton was the best).

agreed. I think he's perfect for older batman. DC is fucking up their characters though. Let Kevin Smith direct Ben in a batman film.

That weepy faggot cant direct anything beyond people sitting and talking.

Thats coming from someone who loved his movies.

I think they're all too white, it's time for a change up TBH... I think Idris Elba should play Batman.

Yes. And a male-to-female transgendered, Chinese Black Canary, too. Albino Maori Green Arrow and Aboriginal Midget Amputee Zatana, too.

Lol, fuckin Zirtana. Just wait for the Planet Bizzaro Reparations mini series...

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms

Word, bitch! Phantoms like a mothafucka'!

Is there anything offensive about this to anyone? If anything the reporter is unprofessional. She's sitting on his lap and loving every minute of his drunk groping.

I’m almost certain some fat ugly munter somewhere finds this offensive.

I remember an argument with 2 of my more, uh, "progressive" friends like 6 years ago about this exact video. Apparently this is considered to be on the level of Fleece Johnson prison rape in the forward leaning community.

Not offended at all. Neither is she. This was clearly two people that knew each other, messing around.

If you want a hoot, go read Rose McGowans twitter, she used her sexuality when she was younger to get ahead and now is trying to take everyone down as the "victim" now that she's 44 and noone gives a fuck about her anymore.

She's a childless, middle-aged woman with a short-lived, failed marriage behind her and nothing for a career. Cats feature prominently in her future. Of course she's pissed, she blew it.

Ol' car crash face.

I’ve been a bouncer at strip clubs and topless bars. I never tried to jam a finger up their ass or cooch (scout’s honor), but would make the occasional comment and the White SJW ones would sometimes allude to “sexual harassment.” HA! The finance guy who just bit your nipple that you shook down for a $20 tip and the ironworker who tried to scoop out a doodoo chunk are fine, but me making a comparatively innocuous comment is “sexual harassment” FUCK THESE WHORES!!! I bet McGowan has blown half of Hollywood!!!

Fuck her. No one remembers or brings up that in 2011 she made a movie directed by Victor Salva. Google that piece of shit if unfamiliar. It was common knowledge by then that he was a convicted child molester who molested a kid who starred in one of his shitty movies.

Quentin Tarantino tried to rape her before she got her machine gun leg but his dick melted, it was in a documentary

I wore out the VHS of her nude scenes in the '90s cult movie The Doom Generation. She is now an ugly fraud and a world class stick in the mud. Her whole career revolved around being hot and now she fancies herself a feminist crusader. When she dated Marilyn Manson she went with him to an award show in a dress made of dental floss that literally showed everything. She probably suffered irreparable mental damage from growing up in a cult.


I never liked that duck.

Honestly, I've got no problem with that at all. They clearly know each other. Anyone that has a problem with this, lives a boring fucking sexless life.

Im thinking she got really wet

She came out and said she was cool with the interview. Feminists are still trying to say she was violated.

There's another video going around where Affleck was doing the same type of shit and the woman is now not okay with it.

So it's like, a woman is laughing and fucking around with you and being receptive to your playfulness, and you have no idea if she's cool with it or not. She can claim years later she was not okay with it and you'll have to defend your career lol

Maybe just be on the safe side and not spend five minutes talking about the person about to conduct an interview's titties.

Idk just seems like common courtesy.

Trump's Revenge.

Show that access Hollywood tape, he survived, now he's scorch earthing these mofo's.

Twitter is so weird.

Affleck is the best. Fuck you faggots.

So now they're trying to craft a narrative that Justice League is in grave financial danger:


LOL, absolutely no one in the massive nerd fan base will be discouraged from attending because the actor playing Batman drunkenly felt up some floozy thirteen years ago. These losers would rather die than be out of the loop on all the plot developments for the spinoffs the film will generate within the extended universe.

The pitchfork culture of moral outrage nowadays really has become a grotesque parody. Literally everyone has some kind of blemish in their background, and it would require extreme naïveté to view it as surprising that the film industry is overrun with assholes and sleazebags. It's only good when the untalented cheerleaders of social sanctimony get exposed. Except for the Maher appearance (which can be excused to a degree since he was on a political show), Affleck has never been a prominent offender in douchey pontification, and except for his participation in superhero garbage, his artistic contributions have been valuable since he rehabbed his career by directing Gone Baby Gone. Really wish some dirt about improper dalliances would get unearthed about Apatow and Kimmel.

I’m almost certain some fat ugly munter somewhere finds this offensive.

Not offended at all. Neither is she. This was clearly two people that knew each other, messing around.