I'm starting to think that Lauren-gate is just a QUANSPIRACY to ignite a fake podacast war between Chip and those Legion of Skanks fellas

11  2017-10-11 by disawayisthrows

I wouldn't be surprised if Chip makes an appearance on the LOS show today or whatever.

If Dave had half a brain, him playing into the Chip schtick could actually be the best thing for him. Constantly reminding Chip of the fact that hes a cuckold would not only bring the funny, but allow Jimmy to make Bam-Lynsi-Gregg cuckold jokes...which would officially break the subreddit.


If this was Luis and Kim he'd do that. Dave doesn't have thick enough skin. Ari busts his balls and even though they're friends he clearly hates it. Not quite Opie level bitchery, but he would never genuinely laugh about being mocked like Luis does.

The last podcast war LoS got into was with "The Guys We Fucked" girls when they were unknowns. I wonder whatever happened to them?...

Oh yeah, they're massive.

Now now, Corrine didn't gain that much weight.

She's trying to get Big Amy's gig now that she's doing movies.

Why is the one who doesn't look like Baby Face from the Dick Tracy movie coming on Roastmasters if she's a big star?

"Big Star" on the podcasting chart. Which, with the exception of a few comedians, still makes you a nobody.

Ah. Well, I guess the mediocre slut market is a good market. Like opening a fried chicken restaurant in the ghetto.


They're #20 and I haven't even heard of a lot of the shows above them. Chip and Skanks don't chart but Big Jay's porn star show Jim is jealous of is #38.

They were top 5 after the "war". Good to see they've fallen off a bit.

I can't stand Dave Smith but this situation is clearly Norton overreacting. Lauren quit all the podcasts at the same time. It's more likely that Lauren's family saw your chin memes and caught feelings than this actually being Norton-related.