Dave Smith is a tool BUT

0  2017-10-11 by Raining8s

I do not think he made her quit. I still want to blame him anyway, and I absolutely think he was jealous of the success of Chip, but not the faux relationship. Jim is not very threatening. Lauren's chin would have to be a lot longer to interest Jim.

I think it was her decision. If you watch old LOS or YKWD Louis and Bob give her a lot of shit. I like Bob, but he "really thinks who the fuck he is" in that studio at times. Now with the chin, vag and boob jokes it's probably not worth it to her. I can't imagine it pays much. Jim even said "Chip" may have mentioned a few things that Lauren told him not to. (kidney stones?? thick pubic hair? Seems like a small thing, but if she was opening up to Jim and she thought minor details were off the record, it would suck if he broke her trust)

I think she will regret it and of course lose exposure, but on the other hand she was being exposed to a type of fan that she probably would never connect with. Chip fans would ruin her normal live show.


Dave didn't look thrilled when the show came up on that YKWD episode he was on. But he's a passive aggressive personality who isnt going to say "QUIT OR ELSE BITCH!" He just fucked up not saying anything to Jim and needlessly became part of the story.

The more I think about it it looks like she gave up on trying to be a comedian so got a non-comedy related job. She doesn't want to be on with 42 open micers and D-listers every week if she's not one herself. Why isn't she talking to Jim? Maybe she's mad he didn't take her on the road since he loves female openers to be friendzoned by. She just decided she wanted to be a stand up too late in life. There's 80,000 female stand ups in New York now. If she started 10 years ago she could have stood out. Any female wanting to start now is wasting their time. Like how every inner city black kid on a Junior High team thinks they're NBA material, every liberal woman under 35 in New York thinks they're headliner material.

Dave Smith drinks grapefruit beer

Jesus dude. Let's not get too nasty here.

I was just watching the clip from the YKWD episode. She seemed genuinely passionate about the Chip show.

And there was real disdain in her face when Dave was being a dick and joking about how he didn't even know how long the episodes were.