Hey gang, how do you feel about the US not making it into the World Cup?

3  2017-10-11 by ThatsLunch


The what?

what's the world cup?

A convenient way of boycotting the host country, Russia, without having to actually boycott.

what sport is that again? dick sucking?

Was really hoping to see the plastic american fans get their heads caved in by steroid filled Russian hooligans and starting a huge political fallout. At least a few fat old bald English men will get put into a coma though.

I'm happy because I'm not American, but Australia is really stinking this round.

The English are a bunch of inbred faggots who live on an island. Australians are also inbred faggots, but live on a nicer island. Is this accurate or did my American education fail me?

Pretty accurate, I'm much happier to be Australian than British. Less chance of getting muhammed jihad. But what does this make Americans?

2 time reigning world-war champions!

Oh you mean the sport that we let children and women play to make them feel better?

Who gives a fuck about a game third world faggots are good at.


Im more pissed about fifa making Ecuador field a shit side against the argies just so their golden boy gets though.



Is that where we sail boats around the world?

I'm very upset! First of all zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz