I hate when Im on this subreddit on my phone in public and the pedo images in the sidebar come up.

13  2017-10-11 by xavier_stock

This isnt this subs fault, its reddits. I have to use the browser version instead of your horrible shitty mobile version. I hate this gay ass site. Sick of telling people I am definitely not a pedophile.


Hi Joe

🎶....what you doin with that bun in your hand?🎶

Hey Joe, I heard you shot your woman down!

*childspit down

You browse the internet in public?

I hope a bird shits on your phone while you're checking reddit and shatters the screen.

Sounds like first world problems amirite gang

My wife saw the Opie tits sidebar a couple weeks ago and asked me what I was looking at. She walked away during my explanation. Don't ask questions if you aren't prepared for the answers, cow.

Sure,like you have a wife

Its a roomba he put a wig and balloon titties on

Please post a picture of your lovely wife.


I hate when I'm on child porn websites on my phone in public and this subreddit come up.

What a faux pas!

Or a po faw even.

The one with Opie’s big fat juicy tits always pops up when I’m fucking around at work.

I hope you're browsing in public & accidently re-create the 'fat girl falls down hole' video.

Or when im scrolling through on my phone in the breakroom at work, and a picture of a nice lady holding her huge fucking dick comes up. I've learned to wait until im back in my office before checking this sub.

what an asshole,come to this sub just to brag that you have a job.

Well,La Dee Freakin Da

Use RedReader