Reminder: White people rioted over 20 year old promotional nugget sauce

124  2017-10-10 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Because of a joke on a retarded cartoon show.


The rick & morty sub was a full autistic meltdown. I loved the comments from people saying they wanted to sue McDonald's.

And all for a show that's a worse version of futurama

I've never watched Rick and Morty. Is it actually funny? Or is it some nerd shit? What cartoon would you compare it to?

I’ve never seen it but even if it were the best tv show ever made, it wouldn’t justify the behavior of its fans.

What about us? What justifies our behavior?

I got a lot to mull over tonight guys

Don't you remember? The fans were a big part of the show, your bile spewing and amazon reviews made o and a the best radio show ever. Until the troubles. Now Reddit comments ruin lives and livelihoods and needs to be shut down.

The difference is we keep to ourselves. Nobody knows the O&A fandom even exists, and everyone is better off for it.

If we ran into fast food restaurants autistically screaming 'OPIE HAS TITS' over and over and over again, people would rightfully hate us too.

Thank you for answering a rhetorical question

You're quite welcome. Anytime.

it was good when it first started cause it was slightly different from other cartoons(plots involving all kinds of science movie type tropes), and the comedy wasn't awful. Had a unique use of 'improv' type stuff added into the show but eventually that even felt overused yet it still fit the show

Then as it slowly gained popularity their fan base became more vocal and not in any good way. Their worst i'm assuming are like the just became an atheist type, less so because they've thought about it and moreso because it's the thing smart people do. Some real psuedo intellectual non-thinkers who view themselves as thinkers

I recommended it to my brother when i watched the first season, I said it was "pretty good". But now in it's third season it's kinda awful, very noticeably different from the first two. As retarded as it sounds i've actually slowly moved to the fact that their new women writers that they had to make a stink about gaining are probably making things worse. There's a lot of examples compared to the first seasons but this is already too long of an explanation to give a shit

You can watch the first 2 seasons and enjoy it, then just let it go like they never continued on.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

Thanks for the delicious copypasta 😋


I saw a video trending on YouTube a month or two ago entitled "Is Rick Becoming More Caring?" ... with that I knew I did the right thing by abandoning the show before season 3.

"their new women writers" Probably why I've read that they were going to focus more on Summer in newer episodes.

And I always thought the improv shit just sucked. It's basically anti-humor type shit

Same shit happened with Community. Fucking Harmon.

its no different at all. stop it.

Same shit happened with Community. Fucking Harmon.

It is incredibly overrated, our modern culture has an obsession with mediocrity.

It is incredibly overrated, our modern culture has an obsession with mediocrity.

We heard you, faggot

It is incredibly overrated, our modern culture has an obsession with mediocrity.

"It's an entirely different kind of flying."


It's not good.

I watched the first episode and thought it was quite unfunny and strange. I forgot about it until a work friend insisted that I would love it if I gave it a second chance. So I watched the second episode and found myself actively wishing I'd suffer a stroke to make the experience somewhat interesting. I'm not the type of cunt to buy into something just because it's popular so went back into work and called the guy a faggot and never to recommend anything but his wife's cunt to me ever again.

It's man child stuff. Zany, annoying and it tries really hard to be clever. Kinda like the big bang theory of cartoons.

Every episode is different so you really shouldn't judge it on that one. One episode is mostly them watching alien TV and basically seeing weird, silly sketches.

Another one is about an evil Morty stealing a Rick's brain in a parallel dimension and winning over the hearts and minds of voters by playing dumb then killing off people who went against him all while the main Rick & Morty decided to skip going there and instead had a fun adventure in Atlantis (which we never get to see).

Most episodes are so creative and completely different that you have to at least respect that, if not the humor, animation, creative visuals, writing, story, etc.

Shut up, faggot.

The show is good by itself. I didn't even know all this fuckery existed around it until the dumb sauce thing.

Are you sure this doesn't attract the same sort of people that liked Big Bang Theory??? At least they're laughing without a laugh track now

Big bang theory sucks ass. That fake nerd bullshit always annoyed me. They're fake nerd jokes for non-nerds to think are funny, combined with a laugh track and terrible acting. Rick & Morty is nothing like that. You can laugh at the silly jokes, at the insults, at the weird science references, at the philosophy shit, or just enjoy the creative ideas, writing and story.

I think a porn parody would be ok

And all for a show that's a worse version of futurama


I think this is where people assumed Rick & Morty fans are idiots, because you have people who enjoy the show for one of many reasons, and people who just yell silly catchphrases without being ironic and look like idiots.

It's some funny nerd shit. If you are a nerd you will think it's funny.

My liberal friend from the city brought over a dvd of rick n morty, he was so ga-ga over it. he demanded I put it in and watch it right away. I sat there for over an hour watching that shit. its just like any other adult cartoon. Futurama is a perfect comparison.

samurai champloo, cowboy bebop, big o, blow rick and morty out of the water

There are hundreds of good Anime out there, but I think if you were to make a list of American cartoons, especially sci-fi/comedies, Rick & Morty would be in anyone's top 3. Saying that 2-3 things throughout history have been better doesn't make this one a bad show.

i've seen a few good clips, but I still don't care to watch a whole episode. This is one of the funniest things I've seen in my life. I still don't know if it's from the actual show

t's important to know that the dialogue is from an actual court transcript.

It's not from the show. It's the same voice actor and visuals but using a real court transcript that I guess they found somehow and thought it was funny enough to do this.

It has its funny moments and it could've been great, but they decided to use it as a vehicle to push nihilist and existentialist philosophy about how God isn't real, nothing matters, nuclear families are stupid, and other Jew propaganda.

But god isnt real.

It doesn't do that at all. It just pretends too. Rick is shown over and over again to not be any of that Shit. He loves his grandkids, his family, near death he appeals to God. It can't even do the things people praise it for lol

It's probably the best American cartoon alongside Bojack Horseman (which is less funny and a very different genre but still good).

Rick & Morty started as a silly, funny, sci fi parody of back to the future but ended up actually having very creative visuals, stories and great characters. Some people also like to dive into really crazy stuff like the smallest reference to an obscure book or philosophy and how the Rick & Morty universe actually makes sense despite all the dimension hopping they do.

It's a lot better and Futurama.

Same assholes that log onto social media and white guilt everything. Cry about how everyone acts so entitled.


They did seem to be overwhelmingly white but I think the more important common trait to focus on is their monumental levels of gayness.

thats not fair to the gays. these are autists.

Faggots as I like to call them


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uh oh looks like we had a retarded rick and marty fan try to post here. The door is over there u big fukkin nigger >>>>>>>>>>

this isn't helping meet our diversity goals

I fucking hate Ricky and Morty. Fuck you and your stupid cartoon. I never saw an episode but all I hear about is fucking Rick & Morty even on this subreddit. Fuck off, retards. Watch Murdoch Murdoch which is actually funny.

it is a funny show. its just the writers and fans I hate

Okay in all seriousness, what’s its deal? Is it comedic? Is it for kids or adults?

I just can’t imagine it’s THAT screamingly awesome.

It's a decent cartoon comedy show that is focused at faggots who finally outgrew the big bang theory at the age of 22. The core hardcore core audience (read: regular reddit ) is absolutely intolerable.

I've watched a few episodes and the show is actually ok, but make sure to never mention it out loud or every dork around you will feel the need to recite so lame running joke from the show.

Wubba lubba dub dub is Bazinga for people who think they're "too smart" for the Big Band Theory

tss talkin about fuken trumpets or sumthin

It's pretty awesome, just ignore the fans who repeat catchphrases (which are usually used ironically on the show or have another meaning, or get made fun of by other characters on the show) and just about everything else about it is great

Love the Murdoch Murdoch.

If you want to declare war on autistic Rick & Morty fans I'll be right there with you.

autistic Rick & Morty fans is a bit redundant


fawk yeh this guy knows

Not anymore. The show is mass appeal now. It's less about concepts and adventure and more about family and relationships. They're trying to bring in a female audience and it's not the same show anymore.

Can't read all that. What a faggot.

I hope he gets bone cancer

I hope he gets bone cancer

I am nigger Rick!

The autism is evolving.

Video linked by /u/Peckahnator:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
RICK AND MORTY SZECHUAN SAUCE FREAKOUT!!!! (ORIGINAL VIDEO) Chairman Mar 2017-10-09 0:00:40 2,593+ (47%) 170,333

$quote SUBSCRIBE for more cancerous content NEXT VID:...

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those YT comments trashing Rick and Morty fans made me happy

Rick and Morty fans are now officially worse than bronies. Oh shit, that's so true.

That's clearly some fool doing it on purpose...not representative of real people lol

Non college-educated whites.

You say that like being college educated is an accomplishment. It literally requires nothing more than the ability to show up for half your classes and a willingness to take on debt.

And street smarts like Ron, vos, jirn, cumios are just too kool and smart for scfool

Do we really consider Rick & Morty fans to be white though?

I just skipped through a few of these ridiculous videos of people "rioting" at McDonalds over this cartoon sauce, and no they were not majority white.

A sauce that is readily available in better quality at any fucking market. Common knowledge to people that do their own shopping. It hurts my soul that these people aren't the ones getting shot in the back by police.

If it’s the same Sichuan sauce I got from the chinaman supermarket then it’s not so good imo

Szechaun Fucking sucks dick. That's why the only Chinese food you can get is Americanized. Real Chinese food is actually yesterday's garbage fried in street grease.

I've never seen a show or its fan base go into such a quick free fall before.

It's nothing but a non-stop cringe fest now.

If the riots were over tranny cum or toddler saliva then it would be a different story


The tranny OP wants to bring down the white male patriarchal system because somehow the mud folks will accept him pretending he's a woman when all is said and done.

Those Rick and Morty fans are the faggots that are on your side, dipshit.

Wait...are you telling me a Jewish media personality was slamming white people? Say it isn't so, buddy. Color me surprised.

The funny thing is the tranny OP using this kike's creation and the subsequent retardation of the fanbase as a way to slam white people.

This post only proves the point.

In the words of the great prophet Daniel Carver...

Wake up wyatt payple.

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Murdoch Murdoch Shameless Promotion for the NPI 2016 Fall Conference 9 HBdG5280o +5 - I fucking hate Ricky and Morty. Fuck you and your stupid cartoon. I never saw an episode but all I hear about is fucking Rick & Morty even on this subreddit. Fuck off, retards. Watch Murdoch Murdoch which is actually funny.
Dan Harmon "I'm not a nazi" rant +1 - The kike creator of Rick and Morty explains how white ethnic identity = bad

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Corny white comic book folk are the worst.

Needy, helpless, mouthy shit colored people are even worse though.

Goes without saying

really takes the wind out of Ant's sails when he says white people don't riot over dumb shit.

Rick and Morty fans are the new bronies.

"Rioted" haha, yeah, how many people were killed? How many sneaker stores were robbed?

This was a white person riot.

A white person murder is a slap on the nose. A white person rape is using mean words, oh wait, that part is true.

Tell them to behave!

It's gotta be the most overrated show in history. Not a bad show by any means, but definitely overrated.

Something about a bunch of white kids from the suburbs getting together to cause a pain in the ass for people because of a beta cartoon makes me wish a maniac with a flamethrower attacked the gathering

Something about a wordy nigger makes me happy about their high young mortality rate.

Fuck you get a real job fry flipper. If an immigrant who doesn't speak the language or have any skills is your superior you deserve to be harassed by greasy gross I am very smarty rack and Mindy fans

Don't feel bad, even if you fail, there is honour in attempting to be great.

I don't eat at McDonald's. That Shit will kill you and make you look like artie Lang or worse ralphie may.

The show is funny, but the fanbase is so bad

My muddah said..Chippa, stop playing with the balloons full of sauce from the dark nuggets!!

Can you explain this to me, cookie? Im out of the loop

Rick and Morty is stupid but its fans think it is smart.

Faggot, you are on an Opie & Anthony subreddit

People who live in glass houses shouldn't be so retarded, because everyone can see you being retarded because you live in a see through house, which is retarded

"Yeah but Rick and Morty is really don't get it mannn"

I still haven't figured out why people were lining up for szechuan sauce. You can get that anywhere.

Yeah right, I saw the video footage and it was at least half spics and black people. Saw a few asians sprinkled here or there as well.

I think it's funny. I'm not really sure what the cool kids are watching.

no one rioted.

Hey, hey, hey, it's a very funny retarded cartoon show.

They were probably Rick and Morty fans.

And no one got shot. At least it wasn't because we're pissed Harvey Weinstein is getting justice.

autistic Rick & Morty fans is a bit redundant

this isn't helping meet our diversity goals

What about us? What justifies our behavior?

I got a lot to mull over tonight guys

Wait...are you telling me a Jewish media personality was slamming white people? Say it isn't so, buddy. Color me surprised.


And street smarts like Ron, vos, jirn, cumios are just too kool and smart for scfool

I am nigger Rick!

Not anymore. The show is mass appeal now. It's less about concepts and adventure and more about family and relationships. They're trying to bring in a female audience and it's not the same show anymore.

t's important to know that the dialogue is from an actual court transcript.

It's not from the show. It's the same voice actor and visuals but using a real court transcript that I guess they found somehow and thought it was funny enough to do this.