"Jealous" Dave on YKWD when chip podcast and Jim is brought. You can tell he is seething

89  2017-10-10 by Lilcumia


I hate Aaron Berg more than life itself.

In retrospect that was very uncomfortable ,Lauren is gushing & happy & Dave is not fucking liking it one bit.

It so obvious he hates her moderate success , whatta fag.

"jim calling me a cunt was probably the highlight of my life"


I've recently found out about Berg, but it seems like he legitimately does edgy race stuff. Why do you hate him?

He coerced a young teen into prostitution for his own financial gain.

He asked why you hate him

I hate Aaron Berg more than life itself.

Oh thank fuck it isn't just me. He's sucks up funny for me. That Muslim character he does makes me sick.

I hate Aaron Berg more than life itself.

Then choose life.


"Ohhh what a boring story..."

WOW what an insecure ass

"its really not THAT amazing, he had a huge audience from radio" I dont even think he's threatened by Jim getting close to Lauren, its by her success. He's been toiling away doing skanks for years and years and his girl does this 15 minute podcast as a goof and the fucking Rock gets involved.

The Success Paradox: Why A Woman's Independence Intimidates Men

Its even worse that Lauren is genuinly happy and excited when they were talking about live show they did, and how female audience, especially older ladies all knew here name and were appoching her and screaming her name.

Lauren seemed really proud & happy, Dave (wrong about length of show) said "that's how little I pay attention" - Dave; It's the biggest, most successful thing your 'girl' has ever done. You're a shit, & you're about to reap what you've sewed, whether you initially deserved this attention or not.


ugh that segment is the best

the way she looks at him while he is acting cool while explaining that he doesnt even watch the biggest thing his gf was ever part of.

nah am too cool to watch some pretend character show.

You don't sew seeds.

I wish someone would sow your typing fingers together. x

He really is an asshole. Sour grapes, boo fucking hoo.

Holy shit he's fuming. The moment Bobby said the Rock was in the show was the moment he knew he had to put a stop to it.

Insecure asshole faggot. Dickhead.

A real jerk!

A real magooch

Laurens jerking her chin off

Time stamp?



OP replied to somebody else with the timestamp. I'm wondering if he was just expecting people to sit through 36 minutes of this before finally getting to that part? Perhaps OP has limited mental faculties?

What is he a fawkin retard or sumthin

The fucking link itself is timestamped, perhaps your mental faculties need reviewing you no-timestamp-seeing motherfucker.

Mother fucker the timestamp didn't appear for me for some reason

Ain't my fault

She did not seem here like someone who wants to quit the podacast

I love Bobby breaking down the weirdness of how successful that podcast is. It's like a Black Mirror episode.

Bobby's flabbergasted reactions to the words coming out of his own mouth describing Chip podacast is absolutely hilarious

I was holding judgement on whether or not Dave was really the cause. This convinced me. Insecure faggot.

Especially in contrast to Lauren's excitement talking about Chip and the podacast. So obvious now.

Also the fact that he didn't respond to jimmy at all when he genuinely asked about her wellbeing

Is Aaron Berg sitting down?

The joke is "Is Aaron Berg standing up"


wow this is perfect actually.

it's like the brooding antagonistic display I would put on when I was 14 and wasn't getting my way.

I wasn't buying the Dave Smith thing but this makes it seem kind of believable given now dismissive and disinterested he was trying to act.

Can't belive she picked the Dave Cave over the Rocket Chip.

We need to find a new gal for Chip to make love to, with his heart;

...as well as his peckah

Look at both their bod language. As soon as he says Chip, she looks down, Dave starts nodding too much, she looks over at him to see how he's reacting immediately, then starts shaking her head.

100% Dave guilted her to quit. She’s gonna regret leaving the Chippahhh.

Imagine Lauren's jealousy when Child Porn Nut Case is sitting in her seat performing her job next week.

“Isn’t it just 15 minutes?... well i haven’t any episodes so I wouldn’t know” ok Dave, we get got it. You’re afriad a factional character will make take your gf and make her more famous than you. All this fucker needs is a good ol long sniff and burp in to the mic to complete his passive aggressiveness.

Yea i didn't go to the live podacast, i was busy doing....something. To be honest with ya theres a lotta problems in that room.

Factional as in Faction Talk!? FAWWWK YEEAAAHHH

I haven't watched it so I wouldn't know sniff

holy shit dave might actually be upset about his girlfriend being in a massively successful podcast and having fun

He tried to change subject 5 times and Bob kept going back to it. Lauren seems happy with it.

How has no one posted the most relevant time stamp: https://youtu.be/14-M_KRU6WU?t=1h33m18s

Everyone had jabs that they took against Jim and his podcast, trying to be funny, but the general conversation was everyone being enamored with the success of the podcast, and giving props to Jim. Dave didn't say a single thing positive about Jim, his podcast, or even approach the fact that his girlfriend is part of it and has also dedicated her efforts to its success. I was pretty sure that this guy was just a stoner who was too idealistic for his own britches, but he appears to be holding a lot in. Lauren looks so happy talking about the show. Someone really has to think they are dog shit to do this to someone you love and live with.

He forced himself to admit that "the Rock part was pretty cool".

Poor baby is watching everyone around him blow up but he is fuming because he thinks that he is smarter than them all and it is ridiculous that these dummies are doing better than him by a huge margin. I bet you he resents his friends and looks down on them because they "can't and won't have ideals, nor intelligently defend them, and he really just understands the world more than anyone can even understand".

People that are taking Daves side on this over bobby clearly don't regularly watch YKWD and know how annoying Bobby is.

if you watch this whole thing, you will see Lauren more excited about being a part of Chip's Podacast than you ever knew she was.

and this is right after the last episode she was in. and Dave is genuinely brooding the whole time, getting awkward about every little comment. he really did it. un-fucking-believable.

When bobby talked about how sad jim was about the fans hating the chip cartoon, I felt a bit sad too.

36:41 for some epic chin stroking


what a Gross Cunt . " shows how much attention i pay to it "


Tooo cool for the room Mannnnnn

Kelly's truly a good egg. And for those who shit on Norton saying he was being a creep, look how happy Lauren is to be part of the podacast. Dave Smith is a piece of shit.

Who's the Rogan lookalike AIDS patient bottom left?

Aaron Berg

Thank you, sir. Though that raises more questions than it answers.

Holy fucking shit I thought the 'Dave made the big chin leave the show' theory was horsetwat but it's confirmed now.

Fuck Lauren how she gonna go on bob Kelly podcast and not finish up the chip chipperson podcast fucking hell!!!!

He sucks so hard .. Has he responded to any of the talk about him being responsible for Lauren leaving?

Holy shit he hates Jimmy lol

He had to pull out the beer to contain his nervous fidgeting/calm his nerves

Chip's not a person, it's my friend who's going through crisis who's [b]inventing other people to say things[/b]

"Yeah, I'm aware"

I will be sending this to everyone involved, non-stop until I get a response from someone.

For the record I like Dave for the most part. He is just an insecure about dating someone above his pay grade. There is bound to be some jealousy.

That said, the best part of this video happens at 48:19. When Bobby is talking about Chip and Lauren alone on a private G5 jet going to do shows and Dave has to stay at home. Dave actually plays out the whole scenario in his head and he is NOT okay with it at all. He sees himself as Woody Harrelson's character in "Indecent Proposal".

I find it so dumb when he goes "It took us 6 years to get to that level" or whatever. Did these dummies forget you can edit audio? What the hell made them think that all podcasts need to be live and entertaining for 3 hours. Even the funniest O&A episodes were not 100% funny every hour, so what are the odds of newer shows doing better?

Shoot your dumb 3 hours and edit it down to 15-45 really funny minutes. You'll get a lot more views and attention than expecting people to sit through 1+ hour shows when EVERYONE has one. I think every comic and big youtuber does one at this point. Few people with a job and life can spend multiple hours a day listening to shows, so they'll only listen to a couple of their favorite ones. Of course they won't listen to yours, stupid, even if it's good.

The leaning back, dismissive comments, acting oblivious, swig of the beer. Fucking hate this guy