Taxation is theft and you statists are putting GUNS to my head to support ur policies

10  2017-10-10 by FlashVirus

just listened to a dave smith podcast. I'm enlightened now.


Anarcho-capitalism only works in mining towns

So does Arachno-capitalism. How much fer them brown recluses ohr somthin? tsss

Faaaawk ya!

Dave smith makes me embarrassed to like rothbard

Rothbard? Whutzat, a singin travel'in hymie ohr somthin? Tss

Is "statist" his buzz word or somthin? He's statistin like uh yellow jacket all over this muhhhg? Tsss

Yes it is. It use to be something only found on Libertarian message boards. Dave uses it on a daily basis. He's a fucking douche.

He probably does not know what it really means.