Don't let all this Lauren business make you forget that Joe Matarese is a desperate loser

80  2017-10-10 by Single_Action_Army

Excuse me, I meant Joe Maaaatareeeeeeze


and dont forget big jay

Why? Everyone else has

Maybe we can fix him?


Jeez. get a life

This Dave guy seems a real cunt though

Remember Opie?

The Dave/Lauren v. Chippah hate is just flavor of the week. Matarese has real legs for this sub, almost Brother Joe potential.

Even better than Bro Joe, I think.

If someone did a great Bro Joe mock podcast I might disagree.

Yeah, but matress is exquisitely good at fading into irrelevancy, he is hateable, but will people remember to break him emotionally when the yoko smith dust has settled

Isn't Amy Schumer a great big fat person still?

sticky please

Joe couldn't be happier this is taking the heat off him.

I like the paaaahdcaaast a lot actually.

We'll get back to him eventually