Harvey Weinstein and people like him should be exterminated

69  2017-10-10 by Suibu

So we can create a master race of men who respect women


We must secure the existence of our people (women respecters) and a future for children who respect women.

oh my god

Wha? Wha? Wha? What?

Adolf Don't Hit-her

I've actually stepped in between a friend about to hit his girl before, am I a white knight? She had already taken a clock radio and beer can to the face, and I thought she had enough. Granted, if I knew then what I know now I would've helped him kill her (she let me fuck and insisted on no rubber but then later told me she had HPV). The dude even told me he was gonna poison her with mercury, he was my bestie. Last time I heard his brother was telling me that niggers in prison were telling him to out money on their commissary, so I'm assuming he got punked out.

I've never met a girl who insisted on no rubber. That would have weirded me out.

It was the second time I ever got laid and wanted to fuck the girl for years. I didn't get anything from it that I know of. She had an amazing ass.


Doing the Opie bit of playing soundboard when it isn't relevant to the topic, except typing it. Nice.

Can you regale us with more riveting tales of times you didn't get laid, excessively heterosexual gentleman with Opie in his username?

I've said enough, it's now other people's turn.

Look fella, it's deeply regretful that I fucked up your Kumbiya story circle with Anthony's Geraldo Rivera soundbite. I'm a real goose, I admit it. Shenanigans were had.

I don't even know what Kumbiya means, was this some swipe at Cumia being an African? Cuz that has nothing to do with my good story.

COOM-BYE-YAH you illiterate swine. The retard is strong in this one

It's spelled Kumbaya, you illiterate fool.

I was talkin to your retarded ass. I tried to help a trainable.

I know you were talking to me, that's why I responded, stupid.

It was fuckin relevant.. this fuckin diatribe that's either a lie, or retardation.. is leaving YOU the author of said bullshit, stranded and explaining. It's all good... but c'mon dude.

Wow, good one!

Yeah.. I know. I don't seek affirmation from the mentally deficient. Especially those who can't make up a good story.

Yet you keep talking to me lol.

I used to hear my neighbor next door beating his bitch up.

She would sometimes come over with a bloody nose or a black eye. She was a good looking bitch too.

I wasn't trying to save the bitch or anything, but I ended up in a fight outside with her boyfriend once, he ran inside and called the cops and they arrested him.

So i spent the next two days fucking his girlfriend while her phone rang nonstop from the jail phone calls.

Moral of the story is that women are whores.

Hot (Oven) Take

When you're fat and disgusting they don't let you do it.

But they do apparently

He was just do'in a fun character Rapey Raperson

bowwwwwww uhm didle uhm didle ow chuga wuga wuga wuga

Every time someone's tried to its frowned upon though.

Shaft and ball work will set you free

yea fuck producers

We need a Final Solution to combat all this needless sexual assault.


We tried that.

Yeah, they're called Aryans