If the Elite Jews can take down one of their own in Harvey Weinstein. This guy's days have to be numbered

102  2017-10-10 by unclepaul84


Maybe it’s because Tig Natoro is an ugly dike who got her tits chopped off and couldn’t do better than him anyway

No one should believe that animated 2x4.

I automatically started whistling the theme song

do I have autism for real?

I like how everyone thinks it was Tig who got sexually assaulted, instead of two anonymous female comedians from some random rumour years ago.

Tit Nomoro

pretentious phony cornball, can't wait until "they" come for him next

If he gets a head tattoo he can just pretend he's Jason Ellis and he's in the clear

No way he does that. You give up your "white person" card when you get a tattoo above the neckline.

This one has to be coming next. Given the “you’re so courageous!” bouquets being tossed at the women who are coming out you’d think some z-list broad comic would like to take advantage of this.

Artsy Fartsy faggot Jew

I wanted to hate on Weinstein too but he sounds pretty funny asshole:

This, when he didn’t like how Julie Taymor described a test audience’s response to her movie Frida:

“You are the most arrogant person I have ever met!” Weinstein screamed, spittle flying out of his mouth. “Go market the fucking film yourself!” Weinstein turned to Taymor’s agent, Bart Walker, and told him to “get the fuck out of here.” He then turned to Taymor’s companion, Elliott Goldenthal. “I don’t like the look on your face. Why don’t you defend your wife, so I can beat the shit out of you.” Finally, he turned to a group of Miramax executives and picked them off, one by one. “You’re fired. You’re fired. You’re fired. You’re fired.”

He's probably just awful with women with his mushy middle-eastern fat face.


poetic Jewish justice aspect aside, I feel for Weinstein. Dude is getting the Gibson treatment.


I dunno - sounds like a good egg to me?

He's a kike.

Occasionally you do run across one with a bit of panache.

I run across several likeable individuals Jews. That doesn't change that they're kikes.

You'll get no argument from me, friend - you're preaching to the choir.

I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. You're on the right side of history (TM).

The proto r/o&a poster.

The more successful he becomes the more that shit will follow him. People have figured out he isn't the harmless, insecure sadsack like his character on Louie. He's a confident weirdo who can't stop from pulling his pud in front of people

his character raped the foriegn girl in that one "elevator" story arc. also his character got made up like a woman and pegged by Pamela's character. he's been rather open about his perversions through fiction.

Damn I must have missed a couple of episodes

Louie is a sick perv and associates with woman abusers and virulent racists like Anthony Cumia. His O&A appearances are going to come back to haunt him and his descent is going to be beautiful.

It's surprising it hasn't happened honestly, he used to say shit every 10 minutes that would have Gawker call for his head (or Jezebel or the Guardian or wherever the biggest faggots work now). I mean he outright said he would rather fuck a 16-year old girl than one of his middle-aged female fans, and that he jerks off thinking about a girl from middle school pulling her shirt up. Not atypical things really but definitely enough to piss off the Lena Dunham or Lindy West types.

The guy thinks Jackass is something deeper than a few guys fucking around. What a pretentious creep.

I'm guessing because Spike Jones directed them and Spike is what CK wants to be. Hell who am I kidding I would like to be more like Spike Jones too.

Spike Jonze is not Spike Jones


did not know that. Those two must hate each other.

Spike Jones hates everyone who isn't black, and Spike 'Spiegel' Jonze is a jew. So yeah they probably do.

Louis IS a Jew - most ginger Mexicans are in fact crypto-Ashkenazi Jews. I believe he has even admited this by claiming, “I think my grandfather was a Jew,” which is to crypto-Jews what, “I’m quitting to spend more time with my family” is to failures.

TIL about the phenomena of crytpo-jewry

Beware: Once you go down the rabbit hole of Jewry, you will never be the same...

Its not surprising at all. They are the smartest race and hated by all others. Their machinations lay undetected and I don't even care because this jew world is pretty good overall. If they weren't running shit it would be mad max in 3 hours.

They are not "the smartest race," the have the highest average IQ. But since there are only 15 million of them, there are many, many, many times more genius whites and Asians (percentage vs absolute). So don't worry you shabbas goy head - a world without jews would work just fine.

And yet jews get most of the Nobel prize And lead us in science. Make some discoveries or go through a Holocaust and purge the mouth breathers like they did. Try contributing to humanity if you don't want to be second to jews.

So Nobel prizes - a 20th Century contest - determines which race has contributed most to humanity? How many Jewish Enlightenment luminaries are there? How many high Renaissance painters were Jewish?

You sound like a typical Jewish supremacist, high on your Jewish privilege.

Lol cavemen could draw also. They didn't advance humanity. Science and technology did. Even Muslims invented tons of Shit before Christianity initiated the dark ages and ruined Islam forever.

Spain pretty much kicked out all of their jews or force converted them during the inquisition. Then they traveled to the new world and mexico is probably crawling with spic jews that dont even know they are jews.

Louis' granddad is a Hungarian Jew surgeon who moved to Mexico to teach at a university. Something Louis knew when he was doing his "I'm Mexican" nonsense. His father is an orthodox Jew in Boston.

Why are louie, weinstein, and the rest of these guys compelled to force women watch them jerk off? Is it because it is just the most degenerate and self-humiliating thing they can think of

That dude has been molesting woman for 30 years and nobody gave a fuck until now. Clearly there is some jewry afoot that caused them to turn on him. Probably some gooks looking to buy Miramax and further poison the country with commie propaganda.


What ever happened to just raping a bitch? How far we've fallen.

Or maybe the whole Jew thing isn't the big deal you dopes think it is?

that is incorrect

Hi syphillisdiller. Or should I say shalom?

Nah, Scottish/Irish....just never been asks bring myself to care if people are Jewish.

God willing.

Your can't keep down a ginger mexican, they're the unicorn of the Americas.

As a ginger Mexican it's not all it's cracked up to be

HAY!!! SHUT YOUR GINGER WETBACK MOUTH!!!!! sorry but I have to feed you the fuel that keeps you going.

Thanks, you are doing the lords work

Something about the idea of "forcing" women to watch him masturbate just sounds fucking goofy to me. It's like that Dave Chappelle bit where someone holds a train/subway hostage by masturbating.

Art imitating life