Harvey Weinstein sexual assault audio - all this money and power and still sounds like a creep

83  2017-10-10 by Ant_Sucks


Why, that schemin' shiksa!

Mel Gibson’s ex sure loves recording people.

Foreign accent + gold digging. I bet all of Trump's ex-wives all sounded like that when they were on the fritz.

Jesus fuck, can everyone just shut the fuck up about Donald fucking Trump? It’s barely fucking relatable to the topic here, and evidently you’re just trying to hijack the top comment with some inane fucking nonsense to maximise potential internet points.

Boring as fuck.

Try harder, or fuck the fuck off.

Jesus you really got mad at that dude

I know. Think my period is on its way.

Or youre just a faggot who cares to much what internet stranger say..

"maximise potential internet points" on an O&A subreddit? YOU GOT ME

I didn’t say it’s unrelated, I said it’s barely related. There’s no reason other than a fucking short list of recycled jokes to bring up Donald Trump in this thread.

You’re the guy at a party that only talks about what’s good on Netflix or Donald Trump. Go outside more. Buy a joke book. Fucking do something else other than insert your tattered old bullshit anywhere you see fit.

You, sir, are the Patton Oswalt of this subreddit.

you're the guy at the party who acts fucking weird and makes everyone uncomfortable.

So? I’ll stick my dick in a lampshade and people will fucking love it.

Relax faggot. I rarely say anything bad about our King Emperor, but I'm not going to bullshit myself and pretend he doesn't have classic dumb trophy wives.

And I don't hang out with anyone who talks about Donald Trump all the time, so it's not hack to make non-lefty observations about him in my books... you seem to be projecting. Maybe you should find new friends?

What a bizarre response. I also don’t think you understand what projecting means. You’re boring as fuck. Refrain from procreating.

yeah, MY responses were the bizarre ones

Absolutely. Glad we agree.

Donald Trump

Broken record. You’re proving the point you fucking buffoon.

All I hear is, Melllll, I tink you need a neurologist or someting, because you are a CRaaZyyy.

YOooOOuUUU fucking cunt!

That was what was missing. Mel was a man vs Harvey "I wasted millions on Mrs President" Weinstein was grovelling.

Mel knew how to keep his bitches in line.
I swear on my children's lives, please just watch me versus I deserve to be BLOWN, *FIRST***

What! WHAT! You need a fucking BRAIN transplant!

More like a "Bong Hit Transplant".

Coffee is for closers.

Belongs in an oven

Jews and showers. Somebody write a holocaust joke. Mazel tov

"Yesterday you touch my breeest"

I'm sorry, I do that sometimes.

The most shocking thing about this, for me, is how he has absolutely zero game. Ok, he's a fat, ugly guy who never got any pussy till he made some money. But he just sounds so fucking pathetic.

He's a multi-millionaire Hollywood power broker. If he'd just been a little bit playful and charming he could've had any Model/Actress/Whatever gladly giving him skull. Despite his heinous, obese, Jewish countenance.

Instead he comes across as an insecure, desperate creep. Plus he looks like he smells like shit.

You don't think he smells good?

Half an hour after a 20 minute scrub shower his under-belly and balls probably smell like a mix between rotten fish and French cheese. His breath almost certainly emits the odour of the cunt grease of mediocre actresses.



Dont you see how great that is? Thats fantastic. All that success and his dick still has to bet.

That vulnerable tone gave me a raging erection.

I know. Harvey sounds very desperate and vulnerable

sexual desperation audio

I hope he's not a member of this sub.

We would probably hit him with some harsh bants about his lack of game, but he'd realize it was just jokes at the end of the day.

He reminded me of Bobo for a second as he pleaded

"I-- I'll I-- I'll rebound from this."

This is not a subject for comedy. He orally raped a woman and there was absolutely nothing that poor woman could do to stop him eating her box with gusto.

That what someone here said about in that first Chris Kuhn accident thread, then 10min later the homepage was flooded with dead baby jokes.

age is also making a joke, you dunderhead.


As it should have been btw.

Toddler, not baby. Get it right.

Alright alright alright

Heebie Kikeburger

I love movies, but fucking hell, Hollywood is worse than I ever imagined.

It's not like the simpler, good ol' days of Fatty Arbuckle and The Black Dahlia murder.

The fact that a rich, powerful old man wanted to fuck a model makes you clutch your pearls in shock?

No, it's that it went on so long, plus the stories about Bryan Singer and numerous others.

Porn films couldn't be as Epic as the Dark side of Hollywood.

Hollywood is the perfect storm. There are endless amounts of the most beautiful women in the world. And the number 1 thing they want in the world is to be famous. And there are a few gate keepers who make the decisions on who becomes famous and who doesn't. Of course they are going to take advantage of that position.

You think it is just Hollywood? This shit happens everywhere where there is some combination of money and power...

Is this audio of Jim behind the scenes with Lauren?

She can’t hold a microphone close enough to her face for it to be that clear.

I hope that queer Bryan Singer is the next to get taken down. Him and Kevin Spacey would be the ultimate fuck you to Hollywood.

Kevin Spacey's a creep?

What do you have against "Aggressive Love for Men"? Mr Spacey did nothin wrong!

Holy shit! I had no idea. He isn’t just a regular faggot, he actually is predatory. And he’s crazy for young guys in particular.

She said they eventually just made sure any “underling” position that came into contact with Spacey was staffed by a woman or an older guy—he just basically assumed he was entitled to young, decent-looking guy he had any power over on the set, straight or gay.

Seven is his autobiography.

Brian singer was involved in some kid of pedofilia affair right? They buried that story quick but it involved an underage boy, drugs and an jacuzzi. I think Brian took Mel's words of wisdom on that one

he even has that stereotypical jewish accent l

He's from queens, they didnt try to hide it there

LOL, he's fucking seething at Tila Tequila.

This is what I imagine Jim sounded like while he was trying to get Lauren to do "one more show".

Patrice was right about that power of pussy. Crazy thing is, how does somebody that rich and powerful grovel for the gash so much? I'm poorer than most people and would never dream of stooping so low to get laid (and believe it or not, I do fine when I go cootah hunting).

On another note, this has to be about the most non-threatening intimidation or harassment I've ever heard. If you're a woman and you fear this raping you, you're kidding yaself.

Because pussy is a relative concept. The 1-10 scale shifts with your status. This is why celebrities date other celebrities and not some random person below their station.

Bingo, there's a thousand noname hot girls that would fuck Harvey without him having to try. He wanted the famous model girl.

It's not even about money. I know dudes who are broke as fuck, average looking, and have nothing going for them other than the bar scene who pull very attractive looking pussy regularly without the pathetic groveling of someone like Harvey Weinstein who has money and influence yet acts like a complete creep. If you know how to talk to woman even a little bit you can get laid.

The warped libido of the Jewish male is a well documented phenomena. Giving them money and power only enables them to act out their sick fantasy's of control and dominance over nubile shiksa women.

Many people that attained legendary status resorted to pedophilia, Elvis, MJ, Polanski R kelly etc

R kelly is your idea of a legend? You feckless millennial. Fucking R kelly... really faggot?

I'm just naming pedos

R kelly is a legend to people who're fun at parties

who're isn't a word

This guy must have hundreds of millions of dollars and he runs a world famous production company and he's pathetically pleading with a slightly above average Mexican bitch to watch him shower.

The key word was mexican.

Why do all these retarded whores think they are poets and have an obsession with quotes?

You pose half naked in front of a camera and you're in your 20s, where exactly is the wisdom coming from?

Instagram posts are always a great representation of what someone actually looks likes. Good job!

Trump, Weinstein, all the same shit the elite with money do...

Hot take.

Difference is if Trump had any audio similar to this - it would be played on eternal loop 24/7 by the media.

I'd love to touch her breestestes

What exactly is happening here? I don't here any sexual assault. Just asking her to come in his room and then asking her to not make a scene. Is there more context to this?

It's the implication

This goes to further prove that women are fucking retarded. She's in her early 20's. Meets a guy who can propel her into A-list with untold riches. All she has to do is to let her touch her meat sacks for couple of minutes, or worst case, watch him shower. He's a creepy cunt, no doubt. But he's not asking for anything unreasonable.

No one knows who "Ambra Battilana Gutierrez" is, and they never will.

I'm a guy and I would watch Harvey shower for an entire week if that meant I could have generational "fuck you" money.

Ile eat that old bastards asshole to get in on the kind of cash these bitches get for being hot in a movie with 4 lines of dialoge. No doubt they regret saying no to this old creep on their 25th audition that went nowhere and rent is due.

Wow, he swears on his children while begging what looks like a [12 years old child with implants]https://nyppagesix.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/italy-politics-sex-trial-berlusconi-1.jpg) (?) to stay?

oh please, this girl is fucking hot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY7wyxoH_gU

She honestly looks very underage and her head looks half the size it should be, she does not look like an adult woman to me.

fair enough, I also dont particularly like big titties either and a lot of people thinks thats weird. her face still looks old enough for me, but I can see what you mean otherwise

one of the reasons he got away with it for so long is undoubtedly because people were too scared to endorse the creepy old rich jew meme. this dude is like a nazi cartoon.

Glad that so many of these Hollywood bigwigs are going on the record to decry sexual assault. Before now I took their silence as tacit endorsement. These are the phoniest fucks around. They turned a blind eye to Harvey's scumbag behavior and eagerly collaborated with him to further their Oscar prospects. Once his brand became unprofitable, it paved the way for them to arrive at this brave public stance against him. Gwyneth Paltrow is the latest to get a pat on the back for piping up. There's countless images of her beaming at the Oscars, arm in arm with so terrible a monster. Monstrosity can apparently be countenanced during moments of individual triumph at award ceremonies.

"I just wish sexual assualt never happened it is so bad"

Roaring Applause

There's countless images of her beaming at the Oscars, arm in arm with so terrible a monster.

That's an interesting point. Now it all comes out when it's convenient for these actresses/models. But these beacons of integrity would most certainly have worked with him again in a second two days ago. But, oh isn't it soo horrible?

They'll probably blame his 'power' as the reason why they'd keep working with him and staying quiet. But there's a thousand other powerful people in Hollywood to work with and these aren't nobodies, it's Gwyneth Paltrow and other successful people.

i don't get why he acts so pathetic. he's rich, powerful and famous enough to get pussy without being such a bitch. that said, is this really assault? it's more like a loser begging.

Despite all his money and power, it all comes back to (((one thing)))

Is this really Mel's ex lol

Fuck this guy. Imagine if he ends up in jail.

He sounds like Elliot Gould.

What an absolute loser.

Nobody likes a Mexican tattletale.

oi vey the goym know!

He sounds like he's about to cry in this clip.

Apparently feminists live in an alternate universe where doorknobs don't exist.

I'm sure a lot of situations are women literally being held down, druged, locked in, etc. but it seems like in most of these stories they simply accept money from rich people to keep quiet or sleep with them, and I feel that if your goal is truly to expose someone, you wouldn't do that.

Half an hour after a 20 minute scrub shower his under-belly and balls probably smell like a mix between rotten fish and French cheese. His breath almost certainly emits the odour of the cunt grease of mediocre actresses.

It's the implication