Dave Smith - Libertas

27  2017-10-10 by Ifuckmymomanddad


So with Dave getting all this heat I thought I would be a good moment to share his recent special with you guys. I’m sure you will appreciate his amazing libertarian comedy. Here are some mirrors.

[Mirror 1[(https://archive.org/details/DaveSmithLibertasfullSpecial) Mirror 2

What did Dave do this time?


Pick almost any of those threads.

Great stuff. No idea what you faggots are bitching about...

Wow. Maybe Joe Matarese can have a career. Dave isn't good.

Check out the quick-fading applause at 47:20. Great editing, boys.

It sounds like it was written by a women to suit a women’s sense of humour. Joe is pathetic but this guy stinks

We need Dave Smith's 100% Libertarian to be a thing.

Any guy can do his voice if you add a little bit of valley girl to it with the vocal fry.

can you time stamp the funny part?


I laughed.

What an uncharismatic little fartsniffer.

Probably his own too

Political 'umah

It's free and I still don't want to watch it.

Nobody at GaS Digital told him not to wear a shirt that so expertly shows off his starter-gut?

And I'm sorry, this is worse than Matarese. Matarese at least tries to give us his #medicated. Dave just says simplistic political soundbytes with the cadence of a comedian.

"You know what the truth is about the national debt? We're uh...we're not gonna pay that shit." (LAUGH TRACK)

''We don't make ANYTHING.''

($1trillion + dollars in exports yearly)

He's just repeating these empty talking points.

OOF that sucked. I tapped out when he opened up talking about how hes a new yorker and hes happy to do his show in new york for his people... then goes right into a bomb when he says "thats what you get when you elect a new yorker... we have no morals."

BOMB. dead fucking silence.

Way to go Dave, insult the entire audience you smug asshole.

Dave thinks hes brilliant intellectual but he's really a Zzz lister, shitty club comic that managed to scrape by barely. He has the same delusions as Trump. He thinks he's some political mastermind intellectual... meanwhile he works a fucking carnival act. Fuck Dave Smith.

It was the top of the charts the first couple weeks. Not sure what you're talking about.

Liber-toss this shit into the garbage.


Raaamoone!! The free-market has determined Dave Smith is a faggot


Couldnt make it through the intro - bile rose when he snapped the paper.

Nice Attell outfit asshole.

It was funny how Luis thought that if they hyped this special with enough Donald Trump-like hyperbole, it would trick people into thinking it's good. Lesson learned, I hope.

They streamed it like once on the platform. It wasn't even included streaming it wasn't even included in the subscription. You had to pay 10 bucks for this. A well shot louis CK special costs 5 bucks.

I saw the Legion of Skanks at the Comedy Store in LA and Dave Smith fucking BOMBED.

I enjoyed this special. He's one of the few political comics who knows that being in the middle is the right way to go when joking about politics. Lewis Black was the same way.

While I'm digging this hole for myself, I might as well go all the way. Lauren leaving was good. She stinks. I like Dave Smith, and I think the Chip Chipperson podacast is fucking stupid. All of Norton's characters are shit. Just tell some regular goddamn jokes. Stop leaning on these douchey characters.

Lewis Black before 2010 was amazing, then it all went to shit.

What happened to him after 2010?

Honestly I have no fucking clue, I only found out about the bastard kid recently through this place, but that was the last time I saw a special of his that was good.

Norton's characters are the funniest part about that mug.

I did comedy on and off for five years and was okay at it. I quit for many reasons.

A big reason was that I'd get to perform for only 3-10 minutes, and spend the rest of an hour or two hearing shitty jokes like Dave Smith's. Then I'd have to speak with the various Dave Smiths at each open mic, try to befriend them so I can get people for a bringer show. Fake laugh at their jokes so they could give me a spot on their random Sunday show in Red Hook (which pays a single drink ticket), and then not get laid by the female comics because they would prefer to fuck one of the generic Dave Smiths. Take a long subway ride home alone, fall asleep at my computer desk before I can even start masturbating.

I wasted five years of my life hearing awful shit like this for thousands of hours. I'm shocked I didn't kill myself in those five years, or since.

What an impressive room, it looks like there’s upwards of 12 people in there.

skip to random point in video



Remember when we all realized Rogan was the worst comedian ever?

Time to open the books...

The intro is all you need for this boring ass nigga. He get in a car and look out the window like a boring faggot. The End.

What happened to him after 2010?