If Dave Smith didn't do constant impression of Cartman doing an impression of Luis he'd get zero laughs

76  2017-10-10 by JoeCumiaSr



Are you saying that Austrian economics isn't funny?

fawkin lazzay fiyar yuma dave smiths hilareos


Didn't he just steal That Luis impression from soder anyway?

He did. Dave Smith really is a talentless cuck

Naw that is Justin Silvers impression and Big Jay and Dave stole that.

Soder's impression is much funnier too. I wish LoS had Dan instead of Dave.

And Bobby instead of big Jay

Throw in List and you have YKWD

It's really funny when he does it, all the time.

I dunno. I find his non-impression valley girl speaking voice to be quite hilarious.

Thank you for pointing this out, he basically has the inflection of a peter-pumper

That podcast was never as good as The Bonfire, now with Jay gone its just unlistenable garbage

Ant seems to love it. HAHAHA HOLY SHIT

I loved when Jim was on LoS. Every dave smith line either got silence or a chip chipperson tag

"man its like, republicans...and like, the democrats... like, why cant people see as clearly as i do about the issues maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan??" -college freshman cunt AKA "comedian" Dave Smith, a name as generic as his opinions and personality

Dave Smith really is like a mirror to your younger self when you first discovered libertarianism. So much so you'll get douche chills that make it hard to sleep when you remember telling everyone to vote for Ron Paul, maaan. Except this fag made it his entire act.


Why do you guys know so much about this fucking loser? Why would you ever put yourself through learning more?

How do people know that he does an impression of Luis? I guess people had to do some real deep digging in to his personal life.

Not how, I asked why.

They mean different things.

All his punchlines are done with a sarcastic girl voice. It's bc he is such a bad comedian that he doesn't commit to his material. So it's like, all his jokes are done with a wink. He has no confidence. He tries to play it off like he's above it all but it's bc he isn't a good comedian & he knows it

When I do have to think about davey smiff i do hear the louis voice everytime

the few times I bothered listening and he just interrupts them to ask dumb questions. He is the hole and got pissed Lauren was better than him at it.

I don't even like the cartman. Even before he fucked us on our Podacast lineup, I thought he was just an unfunny douche.

And with Jay all high and mighty the past few years, it must suck to be Luis.

He did. Dave Smith really is a talentless cuck

Naw that is Justin Silvers impression and Big Jay and Dave stole that.

Soder's impression is much funnier too. I wish LoS had Dan instead of Dave.