The Chin is why women don't belong in the workplace.

61  2017-10-10 by The-Lunger

Moody, unprofessional, ungrateful, it's all about them, back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant tout suite lady......


Where did this get buried? I guess all the wrath will go to Dave but I thought these modern self reliant empowered women could make their own decisions.

Not the kind of girl you want to walk in on taking a Thanksgiving dump.

Oh contraire

This is why the gender gap exists

Yeah this is complete lack of responsibility

You're right, but I'd still like to stick my peckah in Lauren's toot suite if you catch my drift.

Hi, I'm FrenchFagBot.
It looks like you are attempting French but went to public school. 
According to my programming it appears as though you are trying to spell
«boop boop bleep boop» 

tout de suite

  • adverb - immediately, right away, at once, right now, straight away, straight

I'm FrenchFagBot. If you have any comments, questions, or pictures of botched genital modification pictures, please drop my creator, /u/iHaveOpieTits a line!

Looks like I pissed off the wrong autist.

I thought he was busting my balls. I was pretty sure I knew what I was talking about because I took 4 years of French. But I sucked at it so anything is possible. i can't be bothered checking on this. I just hear for the laughs not hyper analytical pekahs.

He wasn't replying to you, I must've angered him with this post yesterday and I've been in his mind.

I don't have an alt, not really sure what that is. I though after looking at it he was shitting on you for spelling or the was u used the term. Who fucking knows what these people are thinking half the time or why they take it so seriously. I had some cunt yell at me the other day because I used an exclamation point. I have to assume they have absolutely nothing better to do. Busting balls is fine but an exclamation point? Fuck off, ha ha.

Nigga I don't care about your spelling, et je parle francais aussi, I was just trying to make some wordplay yuma by saying I'd stick my peckah where Lauren's toots come from.

Nigga I don't care about your spelling, et je parle francais aussi, I was just trying to make some wordplay yuma by saying I'd stick my peckah where Lauren's toots come from.

Ya mudders mouth, toots my sweet cum.tss tss.

I hope you realise that clearly described Opie. A++

No it was DDD

Blacklisting her and just referring to her as "The Chin" might be one of the funniest things that could happen on this subreddit. Holy shit..

She was fine, all things considered. It's really hard for ANY woman not to be a total hole on that show, but I never really minded her. She didn't give much, but she was a prop for Chip.

More importantly, she didn't detract from the show, which is the best any female comedian in a show like this could ever hope for.

I agree, my post was in jest. I think she'll be hard to replace because she knew her place. Although, it really does sound like she wasn't very upfront with Jim. That's a dick move on her part.

well shes in daves smiths world now-just following his dictates. i'm sure its him,and will cause their breakup in a few months. we just live in this pretend world were we act like women are adults,but never have to take responsibility for anything.