Did this guy really call out sick, and post pictures from the beach?

46  2017-10-10 by Loskanksfan


He's such a fucking faggot.

"Couple of fishing buddies"

I wonder how much he has to pay them.

If I remember correctly the going rate is $750 for 2 hours of fake laughs.

Who's "rods" do you think he's working?

Someone should ask him to post their pictures


The " besides" pretty much means he is full of shit.

For someone that that just did water aerobics and had a acai bowl. Thought he was ready for his second week of blue collar work.

This whole "work" trolling has ran its course. He sucks at that too.

This is becoming disturbing

Calling in sick to fuck around, what is he, pulling an Anthony?

Oh wait, he's just lying again.

"Working two rods...."

Gotta make ends meet, I guess.

tss he sure does love workin rods like fawkin peckahs or somethin

Holy fucking god I love this shit so fucking much

He doesn't have a fucking job

The fact this needs explaining to people is astounding.


He got a job for 4 days, had a 3 day weekend and then called in sick on the fourth day.



He lied about the whole thing?


Must have picked up a bug at water aerobics.

Or a family from the looks of things

Does he still live with his wife and kids?

It doesn't seem that way. I have a feeling they've been separated for a while now.

Dude there has to be some truth in this.. he was tweetimg all this stuff he was doing by himself yesterday, yet it was Columbus Day, and from what I understand the kids are off school.. why would you not be doing family shit???

His kids were with their father probably.

Best laugh in a week.

He has been totally banished to the beach house. He would complain about the drive to Long Island now he is there daily. Ill bet lyndis is in a happier place not having to have this fool around.

Since this guy cant find a radio job we may never get the juicy details that he tries to cover up with lies.

This makes total sense.. let's run with it..

I have a theory that he never told her he was fired and now he pretends to go to the office every day to take shits on the beach and drink fruit beer.

Dude you are a genius. That makes total sense. We all hate Opie and we don't live with him. I can't even imagine how much Lynsi must despise him.

And you know he knows she'll take him for every last cent if he lost his job.

Plus, most wives pay no attention to what their husbands do from 8am until 7pm. All they need to know is that the bills are getting paid... Somehow.

Isn't that what happened in the Sopranos during Tony and Carmela's separation?

At least the whole summer I would think

I dont think is longer than 4 months. And i have my own insane tortuous research to prove it.

I decided that opie getting fired was such a big moment in the o&a soup opera, taht i listened to all the episodes aired in june looking for the moment roland dissapeared from the show, or the bathroom incident was in any way referenced. Also i wanted to see how bad the show had gotten (the answer was incredibly bad).

Opie mentions going with his wife to the philly live show they did, this happened close to the end of may, the paypals also mention how opies wife riffed for a long time about how big opies dick is (an insane lie since jimmy already said it was small). this philly show recap is also important because i think its the last show before the roland incident, and also sherrod spends most of the episode trying to scam opie into producing more live show with his "production" company

No self-respecting wife would stay married to this man and his "pop-ups".

You mean his breasts?

Yes that is embarrassing because he's a man lol.

I really, really want to have this information.

Most signs are pointing towards no.

No wife,no kids. Hmm mm mm.

He is unemployed and separated from his pro skater loving wife and kids. He is the only person I wish would drink himself to death.

He is unemployed and separated from his pro skater loving wife and kids. He is the only person I wish would drink himself to death.

He is unemployed and separated from his pro skater loving wife and kids. He is the only person I wish would drink himself to death.

He is unemployed and separated from his pro skater loving wife and kids. He is doing unemployed bum things like fishing on a weekday.

He's fucking lost it. I hope the tipping point was his wife serving him with divorce papers. He never had a problem before all this showing us his awful life. Now he's pretending to have a normal life thinking we will all go away if all he talks about is fishing and acai bowls. There are no "fishing buddies" coming, there's no job, there's just a large-breasted man shitting on a beach.

acai bowls

Who did he call in sick to?

He must mean looking after Bams kids is a job.

A rare sunny day from that shit beach he frequents.

Who would've knew opie would become such great entertainment.

Hey, he worked a full week last week, he's entitled to a four day weekend! Plus he has his college courses to worry about now.

Nothing says "blue collar guy" like blowing off work to go fishing at your beach house in the Hamptons.

I also enjoy his tweets about how he's taking online college courses in sociology and psychology. How's he find the time for all this with another man's family to raise?

I guarantee in Opie's dim-witted mind, his "calling out sick" bit means he's sending tweets at Ben, the third-world phone jockey for SiriusXM Customer Service, and telling him that he won't be coming in today and thinking its hysterical.

He's reaching Jay Mohr levels of faux introspection and personal confusion.

....who also isn't living with the mother of his kids.

This reads like a suicide note. Wishful thinking I guess.

I find it odd that this idiot seems to do nothing but fish in his free time, yet the only thing he ever talked about in his personal life was his faggy roller blading.

I'm pretty sure calling out sick = ignoring his kids that day.

Since Jimmy "stole" Chip from him, and is generating all sorts of numbahs with that character, Tits, as a kind of retarded revenge, decided to steal Regular Joe from Jimmy. Then he put his queer little New Age/"What's it All About, Alfie?"/humble-brag spin on it, because he thinks it angers the haters.

Thankfully, he's too oblivious to see how pitiful all of this makes him look. Being too retarded to stay in character isn't helping his........cause?, either.

I hope high tide comes in soaking the padding of his DD bra so that it becomes too heavy for him to swim.

Best laugh in a week.