Dave Smith forced Lauren ‘The Chin’ Kubera to quit

92  2017-10-10 by peopleforgetthat



i am ready for a week of ripping on dave smith. That guy's a fag!

Nahhhh those guys are fagsss!

I saw him on Red Eye. Not sure a week is long enough.

Taxation is theft, get over it.

War is murder!!

Did you know that both Democrats AND Republicans are wrong? You probably didn't, but you can listen to Dave Smith's Part of the Problem to get hardcore red pilled, brother.

I was joking you dumbass. I didn't even know that was the name of his show. That's how gay you are.

Or watch his new special Libertas. It's like liberty, for smart people.

It seems like Jim 100% believed that. Also the immediate jump to trash him here yesterday? Someones orchestrating the hate *sniff

Seems like this group of online terrorists found a new Jihad

It warms the heart.

I think we're on a weekly schedule at this point. Last week it was the half-nig who flung his baby through a windshield for a Vizio soundbar. I would imagine we'll have another Brother Joe lap in the coming weeks, and we're long overdue for Big Amy news.


fuck I almost forgot about that sow

So did Hollywood

finally some direction in my life

soundbars in the trash boys

It is God's will.

Back to obscurity for her and her midtown-hairdresser-looking boyfriend. Leaving the Podacast right now is like quitting Facebook a month before the IPO. It's really going to be a very big thing.

(starts salivating)

Yes, making fun of a former radio jock about 30,000 people remember is going to be huge.

It's the biggest thing she had going for her, other than her chin.

The weird thing is even if you take a conservative estimate of total listeners for Chip, it's more than XM/Sirius show ever had.

I'll laugh when she appears next week as Luis J Gomez personal assistant.

I'm out of the loop, can someone fill me in? What did Dave do?

His gf, Lauren, quit the Chip podacast and apparently Bobby's show too. Since women can't make a decision on their own, everyone is assuming that Dave is responsible so he's gonna be the new subject for half the threads in this sub until people get bored and move on to the next.

Was there any reason given by Lauren? was it Content? Tone? or just change in careers? She seemed to be fine on the few episodes I was able to catch.

Nothing yet. There's a clip of Jim talking about it saying she just stopped responding to his texts and eventually Bob Kelly told him she was quitting. All that we know so far is what Jim said, maybe Dave or Lauren will talk about it now that the story is out, but already it seems everyone is just blaming Dave and shitting on him so at least we have that to enjoy for the next couple days.

Since women can't make a decision on their own

That's sufficient reasoning to destroy someone in these parts

It's pretty solid logic. I can't argue it.

Jim spent 20 minutes talking about how it came out of nowhere and she just stopped responding to texts. Jim just seemed too conveniently unaware and the fact that Bobby had to break it to him is odd.

I can imagine Jim being really needy to work for and a creep about it 100% of the time.

Not defending Jim or anything but Bobby is the boss there, if she wanted to just gtfo Bobby is the one she should've told if only one person.

I thought we hated 2x4 face.

Shes focusing on her stand up show Pre-nup!

das a can of wormz

This guy definitely flapped his hands and started screeching autistically when his wife presented him with a Giants-themed wedding cake.

we found someone new to fuck with! aren't we lucky and insecure??


Yikes..everybody is so mean here. Ant blows. Hope chip replaces Lauren with Shannon and ant with anyone else.