Podcast Networks have never worked, Corps have already tried.

0  2017-10-10 by DeepStateAgent

But like any hustler if you pump it up enough then you can get some clueless investor or exec to buy in. Luis was going to burn his friends. He already poisoned Big Jay's mind over Stutten. Capitalism.


Podcast One

Is Mr__Hat still around? : D One of the admins handled by a group jumped out of eastern europe.

Dummy's still posting on reddit.

Yeah, the OP seems to be still here and even replying to their own comments.

Luis tried to cash in with Comedy Central, Big Jay's already in their pocket and he rot there with soder.

Name one time they didn't all become millionaires like Luis is 100% certain he will be.

I don't give shit dude, I'm after something else. No problems.

That don't make no sense

That don't make no sense

That don't make no sense

That don't make no sense

Yeah, the OP seems to be still here and even replying to their own comments.