Smug-faced, generic-named cunt

193  2017-10-10 by fingerofgawd


He's really asking for a belt buckle to the upper cheekbone

He has what I would describe as an arsey face.

each eye is looking at something else. wheres david icke weve got lizards among us

he can read two books at once

His face has the symmetry of a dali clock

He looks like a li'l bitch.

Smug lazy eyed fuck. Jewin da Chippah

his face slants like it hasnt finished loading all the way yet

Goddamn this subreddit is brutal

I heard when he was being born the doctor had to go take a shit and left his head stuck halfway out.

When you're such a little puss that you get alpha'd by Chip Chipperson.

Real name: Harvey Silverblatt

Harvey, but Haim in the synagogue

Slimy little jewling.

his primary characteristic is that he has not a single outstanding feature, physically or personality wise. When he opens his mouth it's as if a white noise machine was put on the mic, the brain is lulled into a state of inattentiveness, only to jolt back to reality when he stops.

I heard he has a huge dong. his butt.

Dave Smith would be a great assassin but instead he chose to talk about politics on a stage.

He's such a fucking clone.

I think he's actually a libertarian. Like most people.

he's actually a libertarian

that's another way of saying what I just said

That's what i said

said he

Dont bash libertarisnism because Dave Smith is a fag

Libertarians = Republicans that smoke weed

Libertarians = Republicans that smoke weed

Libertarians = Republicans that smoke weed

He's trying to make that his "thing" so he stands out. Otherwise he's one of the most generic comics ever.

Lol no most people want to live in a functioning society, not a childish fantasy where all public services magically pay for themselves.

Not in my world, pal. Now hurry up and found a charitable organization which will pay me a fair wage to put this fire out.

You must not understand how insurance works.

The actual childish fantasy is that there's such a thing as "public services" that are "free". Keep at it it with the "AnCaps are radical centrists" talk, that's bound to really catch on hahahaha

Like most people.

Fuck off

He looks like a goat

I'm glad you linked a picture because no one knows what a goat looks like.

I thought you might need a reminder of what the other end looks like.

You should stick around for witty banter after every comment.

Luis suggested he start a political podcast so he might shut up about it on LoS.

He already has one called 'Part of the problem'

That's the bit >: (

Appropriately named for what it was on old LoS episodes.

Watch Ann Coulter talk to these Libertarian morons

Notice how smarmy they all are. Libertarians are so smarmy.

Her first point is she supports the "magnificent" war in Iraq but not Afghanistan because Saddam was "dangerous to us because you can't have these crazed terrorists out there. It isn't 12 people by themselves who are flying planes, organizing that terrorist attack. They're being funded.. Saddam was certainly looking to help them, to fund them. He was seeking - now two bipartisan commissions both here in England spent 6 months investigating - he was looking for uranium from Niger"

Hard cut, bitch is retarded and has no clue what she's saying.

She probably supports the Saudi's too like all of those hypocritical neocons

Why not call yourself republican?

Is it because republicans want to go to war? Ban gay marriage? Because they want to police what you put in your body?

Yep, exactly. What's so wrong with that? Ann should go back to writing books for angry soccer moms.

"Duuude, you're so schmarmmyyyy..."

I wish his ears would get together and decide which way they want to poke out. Both of them are just kinda doing their own thing at the moment.

Jay and Luis have his name tattooed on them.

Who is this 75-degree cunt?

40 degree day

Why are we mad at Dave for making his mediocre girlfriend quit. She was awful.

You on first name terms?

It's screwed with Jim's storyline. Now we have to hear about him talking about egg whites for 2 weeks because he's butthurt.

Freddy Mercury has his face stretched unevenly.


So this is the Dave Smith you fags keep talking about huh? He is what comes to mind when i think about Legion of Skanks, this retard and his endless droning about nothing.

If you listen to LOS, Dave is the fun guy for .5 episodes, Jay is the best member for 10 and Luis is the secret best member at 100.

If you listen to LOS

No thanks

Twenty years down the road, delusioned by podcast numbahs, Dave "John Doe-name" Smith will hit the campaign trail hoping to finally break the third party threshold; only to be sadly disappointed by losing to a guy named Durka Mintrugua.

He doesn't even believe in voting, he'd never run for a party as he doesn't think any form of government should exist in any capacity. He's full on anarcho-capitalist retarded. Meanwhile he doesn't even know how to drive a car, doesn't own a gun, I doubt he's ever even shot one, and lives in Manhattan. Dave wouldn't last a day in this mythical libertarian world he wants to create.

He's a libertarian, and he's not afraid to say so.

Do you even liberty bro?

He's not on the left OR right. he explained it bravely on his libertarian podcast with a nazi guest while mislabeling "the left" and complaining about them exclusively for an hour before recommend far right literature he didn't actually grasp the nuances of beyond "non-aggression principle!"

Lol he was on LOS trying to walk this back after the nazi got arrested. 'he's not actually a nazi/white supremacist, he's a master at trolling The Left!'

Also i love it on LOS when he remarks that 'the most offensive podcast on earth' can't generate any public outrage. Dave, you're inconsequential, the best you could do was Fox's RedEye at 5 am, a week before the show was cancelled.

Thinking he was a counterpoint to their messaging was the hilarious part. Like the most basic bitch forms of libertarian that he spreads isn't carrying water for republicans.

And I don't hate libertarianism. He just brings nothing to the table that any random high school redditor who discovered libertarianism this year couldn't bring to the table.

AnCaps commit more genocides than Nazis LOL that is a new one

i must be very tired....I'll edit it for more clarity later i guess?

because i didn't make any suggestion and didnt suggest he said that either

in fact I was saying he says the exact opposite.

Number 1 comedy album on iTunes for a few weeks lol

He's all for personal freedom, just not for his girlfriend.

Fuck that made me laugh, thanks friend.

Horrible asymmetrical jewface.

named his fucking comedy album libertas

I didn't hate him until I saw the opening for his special on YouTube. Eeeeeeeeeeeeyuck

You don't like his sunglasses in the car at night look?

Fawwk yeah

whats extra funny about that to me, is if you squint, you can tell that intro WAS supposed to be ironic/sarcastic mostly...I think. But since Dave has zero personality the "joke" just didnt come across at all. It made it so extra douchey

At any job there are people who stink at what they do, but they don't notice, they think they are pulling their weight like everyone else. But everyone knows they stink but they are nice enough so everyone feels bad. But it goes on so long those people actually think they are good at their jobs. It's weird this phenomenon still happens in comedy but that's Dave smith for you.

Does anyone actually know who he is outside of this sub? I had never heard about him until I found out he was dating Lauren.

so was dave the comic Jim said he had fallen out with?

I am thinking this is the best bet so far (unless there was another thread I missed,which is possible), I'm just not sure since I had never heard of them being close.

Dave had an appearance several years ago on a progressive podcast hosted by Jewey Jewerson. He sounded cracked out on something and demonstrated no knowledge of policy or political history. He kept talking in platitudes and stammering his way back to, "We need to not spend so much on our military and stop fucking with other countries!". The host would have to remind him that he agrees with him on that position before continuing to bring up information Dave new fuck all about.

He's an "anarcho-capitalist", are you really surprised? Dave "I don't know how to drive a car" Smith wouldn't last a fucking day in this fantasy libertarian world he advocates for so badly.

He prides himself on being into politics, meanwhile he told everyone to not vote before this last election because fuck the corrupt system maaaan! How does these libertarians every plan on achieving anything in government by conveniently doing nothing at all? I just don't understand.

I think was the Sam Seder show. He absolutely embarrassed himself. He literally believes that the unregulated robber baron era was like a golden age, something something corporations only do bad because we have a government that doesn't do enough to stop them, but if we had absolutely no government at all they would just be stopped by some vague free marketeering bullshit. He is truly and without qualification a downright retard.

Absolutely fuck this guy

The missing Property Brother triplet


When you're greatest comedic asset is doing an impression of your slightly more well-known puerto rican friend.

I would take offense at the "generic named" comment but I can't defend a guy whose face and head look like he passed out and slept on it wrong, even if he is my cousin.

Dave is more generic than Brian

Thank you kind person. May your blessings be great and your struggles successful.

get cuked by chad chipperson babe

Massively insecure an impossible to Google Dave Smith!

is that that rising young comedian James Johnson I've heard so much about?

The lack of symmetry in his face is incredibly disturbing.

is that Lauren's chin?

Crooked ass mouth motherfucker.

He tries so hard.

Really, it's his parents fault that he's so forgettable.

Dick-nosed faggot

Very punchable.

Looks like a camel

How is a fucking kike named "smith"

he's fake-smart with a fake-hot girlfriend. tons of douchebags like them in the outer boroughs and nj. talk to almost any douchebag in nj or ny that even looks like him, and you'll get them same annoying arrogance and flat affect. he just attached himself to some established talent and money. honestly, if he would shut the fuck up about politics, i wouldn't even bother commenting. he sooooo wants to be a comedic carlin-esque voice for libertarians, but he just suuuuucckkks. dave, you're no funny or smart dude. you're just another comedy pdcast-generation dickbag with too much confidence.

The weird B roll of closeups on the crowd are so crowbarred in. That room sounds fucking tiny. You know if Comedy Central won't give you a special, you suck. They give EVERYONE a special. Hack ass bitch.

I'm no Johnny New York Comedy scene since I dont live there, but heaven knows I've heard enough comedians wax on about it! And I'm pretty sure Dave has never passed to be able to perform at the Comedy Cellar.

I mean, from what I understand that's hard place to get accepted, but if youre not and most of your friends are and youve been doing comedy for over ten years etc... yeah why shoot a subpar special of your old ass shitty material.

shut up fag

He is like Danny Ross with better hair.

You forgot lazy eyed Jew

Harvey, but Haim in the synagogue

Goddamn this subreddit is brutal