Jim the FtM on r/ftm

44  2017-10-10 by bosstop3837


holy shit /u/hard_to_explain got a nigga ribs hurtin'

Jim Kwan

one person gave you a genuine compliment

Have you seen some of the other posts? None of those comments are genuine, r/transpassing is the same, nearly every single disgusting tranny is met with "You can't tell at all, you look great!"

These people are delusional https://imgur.com/a/ZmnzS

fuckin freaks

I don't even know what the fuck I'm looking at or reading. I don't understand this current society, and I've honestly tried to. What the fuck is going on...

~ le wrong generation ~ amirite??

~ le wrong generation ~ amirite??

No, I legitimately don't understand. This isn't some, "why are kids today glued to their phones?! Back in my day..." or whatever. This is, since when did gender become a thing you choose? It's insane.

...I'm not making a joke.

I was....

My theory is that there's probably some genuinely trans people, like 1 in 100 000 or less who had some gene related fuck up while in utero and now they are running the other gender's software on mismatched hardware.

As the whole faggot rights movement started to pick up steam they were like "hey, what about us?" so they got included and the LGBTI meme was born because excluding someone is bad mkay. Then sociopaths and/or mentally ill realized this created a giant loophole that they could use to score some major Victim Tokens(TM) and nobody could call them out on it because that's bigoted, mkay?

Several years have passed and here we are where most of "trans" people are just various attention whores, losers trying to score sympathy points, wellfare, mentaly ill perverts etc.

Fact: Not one word of that made any fucking sense at all. This is a fucking nightmare world. Fire up the ovens, it's time.

That guy before taking hormones looks like bobo https://i.redd.it/nrmgk7dpmsgz.jpg

Please sir, just go with the bit.

They want to be men, but can't leave behind their effeminate attitude about humor.

Most valid point yet

I'm not allowed to comment on that sub, and remembered I was banned ages ago for making a similar point.

At least male to female trannies act effeminate. These stupid whores fail at being men.

you frequent those subs a lot do you? maam

Running through Penn Station in New York City, sweating and out of breath I was moments away from dropping my four huge duffle bags and missing my train. I saw an Amtrak employee, flagged him down and hurriedly asked him to help me get my bags to the gate.

“Help you with your bags?” He looked at me with disgust, then rolled his eyes and walked away. I stood there confused and embarrassed, wondering what I could have done that was so offensive. Did I break some man code about asking for help?


Haha wtf, is it the dumb ones that always transition or are women just stunned?

This isn't a valid argument to them. They think this strengthens their idea of "toxic masculinity". You see, if there was no patriarchy, then men and women would be exactly the same.

That's not straw manning their argument, a vast majority of them think that.

So brave.

Look at this fucking shit.

Men don't use those emojis and talk like that. They're not men. Fucking trash.

why are you so angry?

The ftm you know isnt human.

fucking horrifying

What the fuck kinda sub is that?


But can I get a bigger dick is the real question here

You cut straight to the chase sir, I like the cut of your jib.

He looks like he would have potential being Kevin Spacey's husband.