I wonder if Dave making Lauren quit the Chip Podacast is a direct "fuck you" to this sub...

0  2017-10-10 by Every1ShouldBKilled

We've basically fucked with every single member of LOS, and have made a fool out of Big Jay Oakerson. Knowing that and fact that we prefer Chip's podacast to everything else post-O&A or O&A related (which they would know since they lurk here all the time)?

I'm sure petty jealousy is the real culprit here, combined with all the Lauren jokes. But I'm sure there's some truth to the "fuck the sub" angle...


Why is everyone so sure he made her quit?

Because he's a jew.


nothin funny about the truth

Because she's never had an active comedic role in anything and she quits the one thing that anyone liked from her. So it seems she must either be a retarded ho who can't take a joke or someone convinced her to stop. Either way I think people are slightly offended because it was chippah who was doing her the favor, not he other way around. No one listens to Lauren marathons on YouTube, they don't exist. but there's a whole lot of people who love the chippah and will listen to hours and hours and hours of jims material

I wonder if Dave making Lauren quit the Chip Podacast is a direct "fuck you" to this sub...

That's EXACTLY how I'm taking it.... & this time it's personal.

I don't really care at all about LOS unless they have a good guest that catches me eye. Luis Gomez and Tim Dillion are the only funny people on Gas Digital.

The Real Ass podcasts eps with Luis, Tim, and Nick Mullen are hilarious.

I dont think Dave made her quit per say, but i do feel like everyone on LOS has gone a little Hollywood compared to their actual achievements. I think that rubbed off on Lauren and she believes she needs to focus on her non- comedy career and is too good for Chip and the fans.