See you there

34  2017-10-09 by RBuddCumia


4 o clock sharp, don't be late.


Went a little heavy with that airbrush. Mother of Christ.

It's phot shop stuff

Is that pic done with crayons and markers? Any needs whatever filter she's using.

I hope Artie at least manages to keep it funny.

What fun would that be

Anyone streaming?

She borrowed Opies phone for that pic

100% Artie gets bored and starts saying "nigger"

I hope he gives her the Hansen treatment and makes her uncomfortable enough to never come back on. Either that or he'll just take a long "bathroom break" and Ant and Ann will talk about guns or race for 3 hours

You know that he wants to rip into Bill Shulz, but Artie and Ann are good friends and probably the only reason she came onto the show.

Artie will probably talk about how stressful it was when he went to Stern because it was already a #1 show and when that first ratings book came out, if they fell in ratings, the suits would ask "what's different?"

I don’t know if you folks know but artie large used to be on the Howard stern show and he used to do cocain too, he still does but he used to too

How does he stay fat when he’s on so many drugs? Is he, perhaps, sprinkling the drugs onto food?

Eating cocaine cheeseburgers is great if you ever need to walk to st. Louis in a pig costume.

Artie has relationships figured out. See, he will talk to his buddies about Animal House and have sex with younger women.

if you rearrange the letters in her name you get No Real Cunt, so... how bout that

Gettin' that grammar humor going! 1qw1qw killin' it for us today!

If ya rearrange donny drump you get nazi right gang

You tried.



I be all like baby you is fine, can a nigger get his dick sucked? She be all the left and antifa want to destroy the country and whatnot.

I was cracking up when they were talking about that dove commercial where they had girls of different races taking their shirts off, and Artie said that the black girl should've been taking off a bulletproof vest.

I know libs and faggots were into the gag 10 years ago, but I'm saddened by the lack of Ant/Tranny jokes here.

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

That actually was a pretty funny show, they only needed the cast of Red Eye to make it happen.

I hope she gets cancer

You tried.