'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein jokes were cut

47  2017-10-09 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


Hebrew hijinks.

His mistake was just in talking about it and using this phrase, not in actually cutting the lines. It's his show, can't he joke about what he wants to and not pillory the accused, especially if there isn't much humor to be mined from it?

And I realize, he doesn't hold out that fairness for others, people he disagrees with or who aren't his friends, which is fair to criticize him for. But is this really the tactic now?

But what would the reaction be if he was a conservative who cut Roger Ailes or Bill O'Riley jokes.

It would understandably be similar, but that still doesn't make it right.

It just doesn't make sense to not throw any of the three under the bus because their careers were over. I don't see a scenario where Weinstein becomes a power player again and seeks revenge on Lorne and Che for the jokes.

Ah, I'm behind on the news. I thought the story was still in the rumor phase--didn't realize that he's been ousted and more stories had come forth. Fuck Lorne Michaels.

Lorne Greene has more guts and he's been ravished by worms for 30 years.

That's why I never call out Hitler. It's a German thing. That, and I really respect his body/bodies of work.

That dog painting was pretty good.

Pretty sure it's a Jew thing.

The tribe sticks together goy.

Nuthin but a jew thang baby


By "New York" he means "fellow jew."

I actually gained a bit of respect for John Oliver for being the only guy brave enough to go after Harvey. He's still a swarmy douche but he's got balls.

Didn't Wikileaks release that Jon Oliver was actually working with Hillary's team and taking money from them?

Yes. Colbert too.

Got a link to the doc on wikileaks? I'd like to read that.

Interesting. I guess in this era of "the campaign never ends" I suppose this could be construed as working together for the 2016 campaign.

Russian propaganda


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Russian propaganda'.

For the love of Pete, someone tell me why this decades long predator is not getting the 'grab em by the pussy treatment' ?

He's not running for president and the general public has no fucking idea who he is.

So it has nothing to do with parentheses? Ok good

(((No idea)))

Eddie used to be funny, its like he died when he started making those stupid fucking nutty professor movies.

We have joe rogan now though, he’s pretty funny as well

Just about all of the liberals and progressives I follow on twitter have posted some quantity of shit hating on Weinstein or commending the women that came forward. I don't know why (((people))) like Lorne are treating him like this. Hmmm.

This cocksucker fired Norm for OJ jokes. He can fuck right off for that retarded bullshit.

Don Ohlmeyer fired Norm, not Lorne. It's a pretty well known story

Jew libs, who needs 'em?

Is a New York thing when you cover up sexual harassment for your fellow liberal?

Don't want the crumbs leading to all the babies they fuck


What the fuck does that even mean?

Being a faggot? Sounds about right... do anything you want and then make up a horseshit excuse you can "Brand" as a cool phrase like It's A New York Thing. Hooooo! I'm walkin' here! Ooooh, the pizza pie! You never saw nothin' like it! Waitin' on-line for a New York Pizza Pie HOOOO it's a New York Thing©!

it's a (((new york))) thing

There would be OUTRAGE if this guy was a CONSERVATIVE.

CNNs only mention of this is titled "Whats next for harvey weinstein?"

ZERO mention of his SEXUAL MISCONDUCT. It's because he's a LIBERAL.


Us jews a sneaky

Time to leave. Jew.

You people are annoying.

You two are fuckin clever

Everyone secretly knows why Hitler did what he did.

Yeah but Weekend Update pointed out that we should pass laws making it illegal to use guns to kill people. That's the kind of nuance one expects from the real genius minds of today. Murder bad!

More like Jew York, fawwwwk yeah

(((Lorne Michaels)))

That's why

We are also pedophiles that rape little boys and stupid women actresses who suck dicks for parts in movies - ya dumb cunts fawwkkk yea!

This is one of the only times the anti-Semitic garbage in this sub has ever been justified.

Trump would've kept those jokes in, him & Westein were pals


Stern ain't Harvey ya friend?


Last time I ran into Bobo was on the 7 train platform at Woodside after a Mets game in July. I asked him what he thought of Trump and he summed his feelings up with "He's great and the best thing is he's from right here in Queens". Then he gave me an Anthony Cumia "limited edition" bumper sticker that I pressed onto the back of a urinal an hour or two later at one of the Irish bars along Queens Boulevard.

You forgot about our favorite clip-clop-alchy-fatso Chris PEPPEEEEEERRRRRRR Hicks Stanley

Yeah but Trump is only a Jew in practice. Not in name.

  1. Chris Stanley