Lauren has left the chip podcast and had to get Bobby Kelly to tell Jim

190  2017-10-09 by Dennyislife



Source? or did I miss it on the Podacast.

said it just before they went to break on the radio show. Said he'll talk more after Robin from 60's batman is gone.

just heard it (stream's a bit behind), just strapping-in for the riveting Burt Ward interview, & Sam even said they can't ask him anything interesting - they've been told.

This guy's a riot 😳

Burt Young.


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Jim is known to be a very easy guy to work with, very professional, courteous and no diva at all.

So I don't know why Lauren had to tell Bob Kelly ( also known to be very mild mannered ) so he could tell Jim.

I could understand if Jim was a creep but I'm in the dark over here.

Listen man, Jim is fairly self aware

" which you say I'm not....sniff "

I guarentee Dave is just so insecure that he made Lauren quit. He probably couldnt handle the fake flirting with Chip and the fact she was getting bigger than him with his shitty political comedy.

This is exactly it. I would bet money on it. Dave is faggot, though he puts a lot of effort in to his cool guy act. It could also in part be that he doesn't like Lauren being in the good graces of too many comics that are much more successful than he is.

If a guy like as talented and relatively young like Nick Mullen conciders himself a failed comic then what the fuck is Dave Smith. Luis J gomez actually improved a lot doing hours of podcasts and learned production and the business side. Dave's big career move was combining his dumb libertarian political views with comedy. You get best of both worlds, it's stupid and not funny.

He tries very hard to put on this cool guy act which is really the main thing about him that annoys me.

If you didn't hate Dave Smith before watching this, you certainly will after.

Was he supposed to be Neo? Pure faginess.


That's the gayest intro I've ever seen.

it just ... hurts

That's the bit? Fuck.

If Lauren is dating this creep she should have exited the show a long time ago on principle alone.
I would have loved to see this video end by seeing that Escalade get zeroed by a runaway freight train.

I can never un-watch that!!!

Agree completely- more recently she has been saying “chip I have a boyfriend” where as before she was completely all in on the “relationship”. Then after the proposal it was over - Dave didn’t like her being in the spotlight on the live show as huge as it was and she was a big part of it.

Dave is a staunch Libertarian, I think he believes in free market pussy as well.

staunch Libertarian is also an indicator of "probably a dumbass"

and pedophilia.

comedy special named 'Libertas' = smart and insightful, too

Who is Dave

Jim also said (his last appearance on Rogan's podcast) he's making no money from the podcast. All live reads/ads revenue went for Lauren and that producer guy.

WHAT? Unless she's editing the show, which can take a couple of hours a week, paying anyone more than $50 per show would be too much. I'm sure he's making more than that from Youtube revenue alone (unless Riotcast keeps it?). I really hope to god he's not paying people hundreds of dollars an hour to just sit there for an hour a week.

Jim always gets taken advantage of. He probably really did give all $60,000 to that shitty animation company.

You are a fan on a message board. You know none of the above and neither do the rest of us.

Thanks for the heads up, shitlord.

She probably didn't want Jim to start crying. Seriously.

she probably left riotcast

She was on the most recent ykwd. But i dont know when that was recorded etc etc

They filmed that one on October 3rd.

she wants more money.

For what? She contributes nothing comedically. She never cuts any part out. Her role confuses me.

She probably didn't get Jim is joking about the success level of the show.

because the show is successful and I bet she wanted a raise.

Kind of successful. Joe Rogan does in a day what Podacast does in 2 months on Youtube. And they advertise the same ghetto shit Anthony does. It's not like there's hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight over.

I don't know why they do Deep Discount. Compound Media I somewhat get because they're conservative and might have listeners where streaming connection is shit. Chip podcast is not that demographic at all.

The callers are mostly from the Tristate Area because that was always O&A's market. The southerners stuck with Opie Radio.

And why would they pay for a streaming service if their Internet was shitty anyway?

Deep Discount is buying DVD's. If your internet connection is shit like it is in midwest/south then you can't stream media well.

Nigger they are watching streaming media that they pay for when he does the ads.

Apparently On Demand is big for them, plus users can download each episode vs. streaming

What proof do you have they are southern? Why do most of the callers come from New York and New Jersey?

Their FB/Twitter pages has a lot of southern/midwest people, or I don't know, I'm probably making that up

I'm just confused as to why you believe nobody on the east coast is a conservative and they're only in the south.

Are you serious? There's mostly conservative people in south/mid-west compared to what you're talking about, that's why it's mostly red states. It's a known fact that's why in conservative areas there's still places where you can rent movies, because internet connection is shit.

Compound Media does get calls from places like Kentucky and shit, so they do have listeners out there.

I watch the show. Anthony has the same east coast fan base O&A always had. The fly over state callers stuck with Opie.

Im not saying he has no southern callers. I am saying the majority are east coast.


Not to defend them, but Deep Discount also sells video games, books, and apparently Fitness Equipment:

Internet is only bad in rural areas. What year do you think it is that you think the South's infrastructure is that far behind the North's?

You're actually retarded if you don't think living in rural areas doesn't affect internet connection. You can Google this.

That's what I said dummy. Get better at reading.

Maybe I'm the retard then, but it's still reading correctly to me.

It's harder to serve rural areas for ISP's. It has nothing to do with politics or state pride. For some reason you put words in my mouth and started autistically talking about infrastructure.

I guess I did word it poorly. I was saying that internet is bad in rural areas wherever that might be. The south as a whole doesn't have worse internet than anywhere else in the country.

Ok, well look it up. Rural areas it's harder to serve. I'm not shitting on the south or mid-west. It's more cost effective for ISP's to serve dense population areas.

So Nashville has Google Fiber already I think, do you think Google Fiber is in some middle of nowhere farm land in Kentucky?

Seems like you were just mad because you were under the impression I don't like conservative areas.

Now you are just being dense. Yes I know rural areas have worse internet. THAT'S WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING THE ENTIRE TIME. Fuck you are being dense. Reread my post. It isn't the 19th century anymore and the south isn't just one big swath of farmland. I don't know how to break it down anymore than that.

Then we've been saying the same thing, and brings back my question on why did you even reply?

I said Nashville (considered the south where I've from) with Google Fiber, and then mentioned a rural part of Kentucky.

You may have reading problems too, friend.

I know we've been saying the same thing mother fucker, that's what I've been trying to say the entire time. I clarified your original point, and then you kept arguing with me about it.

Alright, well, I accept your apology and it takes a big man to admit they’re wrong like that

That's a double negative... "Living in rural areas doesn't affect internet connection." We are retarded if we do not think this, is what you said.

I was hacked, I didn't write that typo

I love how delusional you stupid liberal faggots are when you think you're living in Interstellar and then conservatives are literally toothless and listening to Ham radio.

I'm not liberal. I guess I offended a lot of idiots for making them think that though.

Why is everyone arguing about deep discount demographics and internet connection- we were talking about Lauren quitting a once in a lifetime opportunity and if her douche boyfriend pushed her to do with it ...

Guess you could say everyone has a case of the Mondays

conservatives aren't amish you fuckin idiot

Conservatives live everywhere you imbecile, what the fuck lol

^ another retard who thinks I'm liberal and probably says "snowflake"

I didn't even imply that you wanna-be victim, feeling a little guilty though eh?

Gee whiz why would anyone assume you're a liberal, ivory tower cocksucker who thinks conservatives are all hillbilly farmhands living out in the woods, you really dont deserve that assumption you're right

I'm not falling for this again, you're not getting any of my kid's spit Brother Joe.

I want the wall, and I want a wall separating us from Canada too

Wow im surprised you have internet you sister fucking nazi

Why would I not have internet? And I don't have a sister.

Checkmate, you dont even have balls to reply. Some ultra patriot you are .

Conservatives live everywhere you imbecile, what the fuck lol

She just didn't quite fit the mold for Jim. He wanted a "female" producer with a big, veiny cock. It doesn't bother me though. I could drive over to 7-11 and find someone much funnier and get a pack of smokes while I'm at it, but I'd really hate if he gave some dude with tits a job. He should know that novelty wears off quickly after the Opie and Jim show.

Smoking causes cancer

You can downvote me but you can't downvote facts

Jim wrote "giant c***" as a requirement and they thought he meant chin.

This made me larf

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitChin

ah boo

She supposedly is a comedian..but has never said anything funny..

She really was fucking atrocious on the live podacast

She definately tried to be funny on a number of occassions. I thought she was just the help that got a little comfortable in the role and I gave her a pass (a pass I didnt give to Sam's hack performance). Knowing she's a comedian kinda changes how I feel about that...

Just a wild way to spell definitely. My brain broke the 3rd time I tried to make sense of what you did

An unnecessary dig at Sam. I think he has settled into his role as the anti-Chip. Kinda like Bobby.

That’s true, and the only decent contribution she could have made, she spent majority of the time trying to cover up. (Pullin’ her skirt down to hide her fuckin’ coota.)

She supposedly is a comedian

Somehow I missed this.

All you have to do to become a comic is hang around comedians and have no self awareness and think "hey I could do that"

Lauren must be a prop comic because she rarely talks and when she does, it's a fawkin' whisper.

Her act is to get a watermelon and smash it with her chin.

And cootah

bra-vo sir.

It's physical comedy

I guess thats why Chip was making fun of her small tits and saying she was hopefully getting breast augmentation on the latest Podacast.

Especially if they end up using that skinny D-cup who came in late to take her place. Then the small tits remarks would really make sense. I honestly hope they don't though. She'd actually be too distracting.

It would have been funny if they called her Lauren and didn't acknowledge the change.

That should absolutely happen.

LoS has an intern that looks like Lauren. Jim should hire her.

Chip could steal that bit and have a Chip intern Olympics.


Like those 90s sitcoms where the bitches got greedy and they just end up replacing them in a snap.

I know nothing about this. But it might be Bob Kelly's fault. He always seems jealous of Chip's success. And he didn't like that Lauren was becoming more well known then he is. I wouldn't doubt it if he was behind this. And he offered Lauren the chance to get a lot of air time to work on her comedy career if she left Chip's podcast.

Bob Kelly's jealousy of Chip's popularity is what's known as "a bit"

He pretends it's a bit. But there is clearly some realness behind it.

If he cared as intensely about the success of his podcast as you seem to think he does, he would have responded to the most common complaint years ago: that there are too many people on it and they talk over each other too much making it a giant unlistenable clusterfuck more times than not.

He's never tried tweaking the format because he doesn't care all that much.

Not only has he not tried to tweak it, he's added more fucking people. And none of them are funny.

Nigga this isn't Inception, people ain't that complicated.

Chip's success puts money in Bob's pocket. I'm sure he's quite amused.

It's a bit, but it's a terrible bit.

He always seems jealous of Chip's success.

Oh literal Joe.

I'm basing this not on how he acts on Chip's podcast. If you have ever watched Bob Kelly's podcast, you will quickly learn how sensitive and jealous he is. He hates it when his peers do better than himself. And he has always been very controlling and jealous when it came to Lauren. So the fact that she became more popular than him, had to bother him.

He is. All comics are. But how is Lauren getting more well known than him? Because people who like the show enough to go see it live cheered for her?

It's not that she is going to have a better career than him. It's just that he feels that he worked so hard at comedy for like 30 years, and she just showed up. And now more people recognize her than recognize him. That is what bothers him.

Shocking news: men who watch youtube comedy shows like looking at an attractive woman more than they do a man who looks like a morbidly obese Danny Devito. So what?

Lord Varys

It's still a joke even if he is on other shows saying it. That's the bit. He part owns Riotcast and it was his idea to have a Chip podcast. He was hoping it would be popular and is happy that it is.

She was not becoming more well known than Bob Kelly. He has been on several cable shows in the last 15 years. She was on a Youtube show that got under 100,000 views in 2 months.

The Chip Chipperson show sold out for the live show in like 5 minutes... Bob Kelly could never do something like that. She is a big part of the show. The fans of the show love her. He was getting jealous of that. The Chip podcast averages about 80,000 views per video. Bob Kelly's averages like 4,000...

Jim Norton sold out the show in 5 minutes. Nobody gave a fuck is Lauren was there or not. They just wanted Jim and Anthony. If you want to say Norton is a bigger star than Bob, that's valid. But Lauren?, come on.

People like her because she's attractive but not unobtainable. They could put a million women in the same role. She is not special. She was not funny. "Oh Chip!" did not make the show.

I'm not saying that she is special. I'm saying that she became very popular. Rather it was deserved or not. I think jealous Bobby was very threatened by that. So he offered Lauren a good deal on his show if he left Chip's show. Although, I could be wrong.

If that popularity can't translate into money who gives a shit. She was eye candy for the nerds on here. If she got her own show it would be less popular than Joe Matarese.

Let's not get crazy here. Joe's stuff gets like 10 views. But I agree with your general point.

Just looking at podcast numbers doesn't indicate popularity. Bobby's podcast isn't the only thing he has going for him and it's not how most people know about him. Also it's Jim's podcast not Lauren's. She has zero impact on how many people watch. It could have been anyone. Also most people listen to Bobby's podcast and don't watch it. He gets hundreds of thousands of downloads for the audio show.

Except people from this sub, how many people knows who he is? His ama got 500 upvotes lol. He's a C list celebrity like the rest of them, except Louie CK and Bill Burr

Yeah. But Lauren is 5th mic on a youtube show, so he's still more famous.

YKWD gets hardy any views on youtube.

Bobby part owns Riotcast, you fucking mongoloid

I was at the taping of this week's Chip and have some details, but Jim asked us to wait until he said everything on air.

heard what i said

Yes, fine. We believe you were there you needy Opie like twat with horrendous socks.

Now dish the dirt.

Taking it to the grave

Be quick about it.

Teasing some info and then not delivering? Is that you, Opie?

Judging by your faggy socks I'm guessing you were the slovenly fat guy in the button up shirt.

The skinny one

Did you fuck the child porn actress?

What studio is that? I've only watched up to the live podcast, so not seen this yet.

Is that what Riotcast studio looks like?

That’s the Riotcast studio, but you never see it shot like that. You see it in segments.

Thanks. I was looking for that wall with the bookcase that's got Anthony's CompoundMedia cup in it.

Lol, that blinding light right in everyone's face for such mediocre video. What is with these people?

considering you said she was gone 12 hrs ago, i believe you


go'on nah

Totally not Jim's fault. Jesus ever since Anthony left Jim thinks he's a radio god.

Please don't say "totally" again ... an angel loses its wings every time that dumb fucking word is used. Amen and peace be to you.

Thats grody

ok James


Any half decent looking chick could take over the role and the podacast will not skip a beat.

Chip should get another girl named Lauren with a big chin and not even acknowledge its a different person.

Big chin for this nick fawkin peckah!! Y'nowhatimsayin?!

Don't agree with the big chin (because I would rather a hot chick for the Chippah) but calling the new girl Lauren would be hilarious.

The new girl should be a 'Lauren'.

Chins McGee has always been a bit of a half-hearted contributor. We're not losing much.

Oh Chip!

I found her replacement. Louis CK can be the first guest.

ok, I have an undershot lower jaw. If you can't see that Lauren has a giant chin like the Mac Tonight moon, I don't know what you see!

For maximum effect, she cannot look anything like Lauren, but Chip insists she is the same woman. Have Esther Ku replace her.

Esther would be an insane Lauren. She's even crazier than Chip.

I'm sure it wouldn't take her more than 5 seconds to take her actual cooter out for the boys.

She's a good egg.

I'd prefer a comedian but Esther might work too.

I didn't mind her, but I was legitimately shocked to find out that she's a standup. I don't think I heard her ever say anything funny or even attempt a joke.

Waa?!?! Girls aren't supposed to talk about shitting! Nevermind pose for a picture implying that you are doing it! I never knew chicks could be this funny.

I want her to sit on my face for the duration of "Appetite For Destruction"

I still don't believe she's a comic.

That's cause she isn't. She can say she is...but she isn't

I'm a 14 year old black girl

I'm an angry, 35 year old black man.

Is this two truths and a lie?

Stay away from my vizio sound bar

It was only two...couldn't have been too attached to it....

Sup my nigga

It only takes having a vagina to be a stand up that gets booked on shows. "Being funny" has virtually nothing to do with it.

I saw a girl at an open mic last night who is fucking adorable, and was so bad I would have thought it was literally her first time on a stage. One her jokes was "So I was dating a germophobe, you guyyys? I had to give him a hand sanitizer job." Not only did she think that was clever, but even after it got zero response, she proceeded to keep going & add 2 or 3 even less funny (if you could imagine that being possible) tags.

Is she a brunette? Real short?

Yep. She has a very Italian name. You know who Im talking about? Super fucking cute. Not fucking funny.

I used to date her (not a germaphobe though).

Wish you could have fucked some funny into her.

I tried


The "you guys" crutch haha

"I'm dating a germophobe, he won't touch because I'm a disgusting, diseased cunt"


Could be Jimmy's new opener.

I thought she was just a host/booker for some live show with another chick.

Am I wrong?

I think a lot of untalented women who hang around/sleep with comics consider themselves comics as well, despite that not being a reality.

I could call myself a pilot, but unless I fly planes full-time, that's simply not true.

What if you fuck a lot of pilots?

Well then you're clearly a pilot as well.

they need to just replace her and pretend like it's the same girl, like tv shows would do.

Two Becky's was classic.

They should do 3 powdered donuts ala In Hot Water

Watch the latest YKWD with Dave Smith and Lauren. Bob was arguing how amazing the live podcast was and Chips success and Dave looked pissed and like he wanted to stop talking about it the whole time.

I guarantee Dave had everything to do with this along with Lauren getting too big for her britches.

I miss Kelly Fastuca.

I hope Dave is furious and then he just self-destructs everything around him. Nobody will even notice, but maybe the third mic on Legion of Skanks will improve.


Soder is actually way more talented than the people he works with. He needs to divorce Big Gay and move on.

Love The Bonfire and Skanks but you're right. Soder is way more talented than any of those guys.

Faggot ass jay had to cry on a podcast about dan not wanting to the bonfire with him to make dan soder feel guilty so he would do the bonfire with him

what podcast was this?

It was on "the moment: with Brian koppleman" podcast. The episode is still up and it is cringeworthy as all hell

Listening to this, avidly, rn; thanks for the heads up, brothaman.

Every Jay story starts with: "Did I tell you the story about what happened to me the other day? I think I did. But anyway, there was - and I don't even mean this the way it's going to sound - because, and I think you can relate to this Dave, a lot of the time when someone is going to do this - or at least this is true for me - it's not even a thing of like, not knowing what's gonna happen - and by that I mean you might have some idea, but I'm not even saying that. Luis was there so he can back me up on this, but there have been times in my life - many times probably, and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that, but..."

And then his story fucking STINKS anyway.

This isn't even that good of an example, but it takes him half a minute to say "In my town, they said the local newscaster had a gerbil in his butt, but the whole thing is made up."

Just saw dan in San Diego. I laughed.

Shit, that was this weekend, wasn't it? I went last year, meant to see him again.

You don't like his political commentary? He goes after Trump and Hillary, MAAAAAAAAAHN! Kid takes no prisoners.

Amico over dave smith easily

When dave was in with Jim & Sam, Jim kept chippin him and gave him literally zero response.

Insecure asshole.

Who would've thought, a comic being an insecure prick?

you mean insecure peckah

Or he could think chip is a stupid character and stinks? It's not funny in anyway.

Just about every comic that has interactes with Chip on air has either acknowledged his brilliance or in a funny way, acknowledge how fucking awful he is (most blacks excluded - as CQ said, they don't get that i-o'ronic, conceptual white shit)....

But point being - he gets acknowledged. Especially if you're a comic running around in a similar group. Dave was being a baby-faggot.

You said "brilliance"

This guy is from west coast Canada.

Chip is probably hitting a little too close to home for him to laugh at.

Originality from the east, so I can take a joke.

why the fuck are you here if you dont think chip is funny?

its an O&A subreddit not the chip sub.

Dave Smith was just on JRE for the 2nd time. His career is doing just fine.

Opie was on JRE and look how his life turned out.

Was he?????

Yes, yes he was.

Just a baby hit

His political commentator career maybe. He bombed at the LOS show in LA. How badly do you need to do to bomb at a show you co-headline?

They played a clip of his special on LOSS recently and there were 9/11 jokes. Shit was so dated

and there were 9/11 jokes

how the fuck does that work? he didn't start comedy 15 years ago. he is like 30. why would he have 9/11 material

So you think (((Dave))) is advising Laura in fiduciary matters?

Nice vocab word, queer.

(((They))) didn't want you to know about it

Then you're the idiot faggot

I REALLY hope all the Lauren jokes in his AMA got to him.

"Goddamnit, babe, all da comments are about yoor fawkin' cootah! Goddamn it I juss wanted to talk about libertarianism babe!"

I miss Kelly Fastuca.

I've never seen old pictures of her, she looks like bobby in a wig nowadays. but maybe she didn't a decade ago

She was always fat.

She was an annoying soon-to-be-fat 5.

she was a soft 7 for a good 8 months

That's being extremely generous.

maybe, NJ is a god damn wasteland of 4s and 5s

I'm in Philly. NJ 4s and 5s are 8s here. The amount of fat women is astounding.

kelly fatsuca

Holy shit, she went from an 8 to a 4 in just two years.

2014 was probably the best year of her lofe

I love Jim cucking Dave, even if it is through Chip. JIMMMAY!

Is that where the story came from?

Kelly Fastuca? The one that bobo thought was his girlfriend from Canada?

Was that her? The Australian chick?

Yep. She actually used to be pretty hot.

She sure did

so if dave@lauren break up,she'll be back (?) lets get on this....

Considering Dave is the least interesting and least funny of the LOS crew I am in favor of everyone turning on that Libertarian-style SJW

Maybe it was all the chin bashing she was getting.

naaaah that couldn't be it. We're saints on ert.

It’s spelled Eart, you nigger loving shit dick!

U R!

Damn you got me!

good one, sock cuckka

His best friend Luis constantly makes fun of her chin.

Bitch looks like moonman.

Buzz AllChin - first moon on the man.

Does she hate black people too?

When she back strokes mother fuckas think a sharks attacking

Too bad she doesn't think like him.

Yeah but we're civilians.

Lauren and her treadmill sized chin is looking self-conscious this week.

Lol funny shit

Jimmy probably is another Harvey Weinstein while at work.

Even Harvey Weinstein doesn't say half the shit chip does. Also watching him smell that girls armpits upset me.

No, he just does it.

Jerking off into a potted plant in an office should be considered a party trick not assault.

Was that chick his girlfriend?

Time to bring back Cootah and a Dunce Cap.

Todd McFarlane rambled on for the whole end of the show and wouldn't leave, no Lauren explanation today

This is why firing erock was a mistake. Can shove comic losers off on to him

Both those guests just wouldn't shut the fuck up. Burt would still be talking if they'd let him. Insufferable bores.

Insufferable bores.

I'm half way through the thing and that has been my exact take.

Todd McFarlane was on J&S today? How was it?

It might be good if you really like McFarlane, I loved Spawn as a kid but just casually and he was a bit too much for me, talked non-stop about himself and his philosophies on business and work ethic, I zoned out a few times

I met years ago doing some Spiderman art exhibit thing. He seemed like a really nice guy, but is a talker.

Loves to talk, but it's interesting if you're interested in how an artist made it big. I liked his take on the business side of being a comic book artist and "breaking out", becoming successful, getting big deals for toys, etc. The part about him bidding 3 million dollars on a ball just to get attention from big companies was interesting. I don't think most people would have thought to do that.

Well he had the scratch to do it. His art suffered though when the money came. Maybe it came too early. But he was running Image and McFarlane Toys which change the whole industry, so good for him. He's a hundred millionaire because of all that and can finance his own cock-sucking version of Spawn if he wanted to. Which it seems like he wants to do; shoot the whole thing with his own $$, then go find the distributor.

Who is Dave Smith?

Asking the hard hitting question here, who is that muuug? Is he grinding his peckah on her giant chin?

He owns a Dodge car dealership.

It was cute when she giggled at chip, thats it. She couldnt even understand her basic roll on the show, it went from chip being delusional thinking they were dating (life soon imitated art with a Norwegian princess) but she didnt get it so it changed to them actually dating.

I agree, but I like that there was a progression in the relationship between Chip and Lauren like that. Made the proposal mean more.

her basic roll on the show

wait, wait. why dont you get some fawkin' butter or sumthin?

It was weird that she couldn’t decide between her character actually dating Chip (like in the episode where she wants Chip to be romantic) and Chip being delusional.

I think she wanted to play with it but Dave would bitch and complain so she would have to step out of the character

Any chance she left because she saw the chin comments on this sub?

Nah she took them all on the chin

She'd turn the other cheek but probably doesn't want to knock everything off the table tssss

Pretty shitty on Dave. Kinda surprised she didn't tell him to fuck off.

Remember on Legion of Skanks when they had a nice bit going where they played something like rap songs just when Dave talked, he very quickly got his feelings hurt when he was trying to make a point with the music playing, went quiet and actually said something like "it's like I'm not even on the show anymore" yuck. It's how Opie used to stop the show, take his ball and go home.

Hahaha, i don't remember that but that's hilarious

Maybe it was the dunce hat and the fleshlight that did it?

GOOD. Now fade away into obscurity with your 'Austrian theory of the trade cycle' bf.

Oh god. I thought Libertarians went extinct after Ron Paul's abortion of a campaign. It's funny how they always lecture us on how we "don't kno nuddin' about economics" yet they peddle around a highly-criticized 19th century theory that's on the fringes of academia.


Most Austrians are kikes and Keynes was a rabid anti-semite. Figure that one out.

But that's changed since the holocaust right? Is it okay to move there now? Don't want to get the plague if you know what I mean.

nah she died in a plane crash over the sea of Japan


Unlike her tits.

Around what time in today's show did Jimmy say this?

before the first break. Then they didn't go back to it but jimmy said at the end he will go into it tomorrow

Why's she leaving?

She's a silly goose.

So being a Comic herself, why the fuck would you take yourself off the #1 comedy podcast?

If Dave Smith really wanted her off the show he is a total fucktard. Seriously, is he going to stop her from doing anything successful? HUGE MISTAKE by her or him.

She had the perfect attitude for Chip.

I know it's not a popular opinion, but she really is a good match for Chip. She never tried to do her own stupid jokes, and she played along with Chip really well.

As for why she's leaving, she either thinks she's going to do better elsewhere or there was some bad blood between her and Jim that we don't know about.

I'm halfway torn between it being Dave Smith making her quit and Jim pulling a Louis CK/Harvey Weinstein.

Jim pulling a Louis CK/Harvey Weinstein

are you serious?

I'd tell her to keep her chin up...but well...

I vote for Sandy Kane

How much would we have to pay Bobby to be the new Lauren?

How much krill you got?

I liked her sexy voice and she knew her role. You can't ask more from a hole.

Maybe she doesn't want to associate herself with something so stupid as the "chip" podcast. It's a shitty character that's not funny in anyway.

Fawwkin don’t mess with the Chippah

Fawk yeah!

All I wanted was to hear about The Chin leaving Chip's show and instead we got those two wind bags that wouldn't stop talking and wasted the rest of the show.

The Burt interview was hilarious. Jimmy and Sam taking shots and being silly and he just plowed right on.

I probably would ave enjoyed them taking shots etc if I wasn't anxious to hear why she bailed and had Bobby give him the news.

Did she get him Eggs and Mustard one day and not serve it to him in the correct style and manner that a man of his staure should be served?

Did he just tool on it?

Alright faggots tell Dave what you think

Chip Chipperson is actually funnier than Dave Smith.

And he's not a Jew, so that helps.


She's an Eye-talian.

She has the schnoz, but she’s a guinea

So should we give Lauren the Joe Matarese treatment now?

Nah Laurens just a dumb hole that's bad at decision making. Joe is human shit.

libetarian dave-"people should be free to do what they like, except when I dont like it."

"People should be free to do what I like."

What's that in reference to?

⬆️ line of the day!


This fucking idiot is supposed to be a new standup and she's leaving a gig where she's constantly surrounded by people like Quinn, Norton, Anthony, Bennington etc. This dumb bitch even had The Rock talk about her at a live event in one of the most famous comedy clubs in the world. And she turned down the opportunity to just say "uh-huh" to everything, gain a shit ton of exposure and learn a lot. But I guess her insecure boyfriend got into her head, what a dope.

Reminds me of a story a MGTOW youtuber [yeah I like that shit, fuck off] told where this 20-something blond chick kept getting major deals as a broadcaster in major markets yet kept quitting because she's "bored" or "wants new opportunities" or some shit. Bitch you have everything handed to you while you're still young- take it.

I had to look up MGTOW and reading about it made me very sad.

the opportunity to just say "uh-huh" to everything

this is great and so true

she couldve been the next Robin

Jim and Chip or kosher cock and a real career? Even her big ass chin and large lymph nodes aren't immune to the jewz.

Is this Jims girlfriend? If not.... who is Jims girlfriend?

Well this makes my name redundant.

She could have possibly gotten a better gig.

As everyone is saying, the Podacast was a great platform and until...10 hours ago the consensus was that she had a decent sense of humor, could roll with the punches and was the perfect non-obnoxious, agreeable lackey to the Chip persona.

There's no way she's gotten a series of raises commensurate with the show's current success since it started as an experiment like 4 months ago. If she got an offer to co-host and have her own voice on a better-paying gig, she should take it. She ain't getting younger and that chin ain't gettin' nubbier.

Not a chance.

Awesome. I never understood why Jim wanted a woman on his show anyway.

Maybe Chip can get Lady Di out of the hospice and have her be the extra large hole on the podacast

Potential replacement?

Meanwhile Shannon on Luis J.Gomez' podcast gets chewed out for being a fat-titted dumb cow 4 times a week.

Lauren has a weak chin mentally and physically.

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He is. All comics are. But how is Lauren getting more well known than him? Because people who like the show enough to go see it live cheered for her?

They played a clip of his special on LOSS recently and there were 9/11 jokes. Shit was so dated

She definately tried to be funny on a number of occassions. I thought she was just the help that got a little comfortable in the role and I gave her a pass (a pass I didnt give to Sam's hack performance). Knowing she's a comedian kinda changes how I feel about that...

It's still a joke even if he is on other shows saying it. That's the bit. He part owns Riotcast and it was his idea to have a Chip podcast. He was hoping it would be popular and is happy that it is.

She was always fat.

"Goddamnit, babe, all da comments are about yoor fawkin' cootah! Goddamn it I juss wanted to talk about libertarianism babe!"

I know we've been saying the same thing mother fucker, that's what I've been trying to say the entire time. I clarified your original point, and then you kept arguing with me about it.

She was an annoying soon-to-be-fat 5.

Waa?!?! Girls aren't supposed to talk about shitting! Nevermind pose for a picture implying that you are doing it! I never knew chicks could be this funny.

she was a soft 7 for a good 8 months

That’s true, and the only decent contribution she could have made, she spent majority of the time trying to cover up. (Pullin’ her skirt down to hide her fuckin’ coota.)

what podcast was this?

How much krill you got?

Every Jay story starts with: "Did I tell you the story about what happened to me the other day? I think I did. But anyway, there was - and I don't even mean this the way it's going to sound - because, and I think you can relate to this Dave, a lot of the time when someone is going to do this - or at least this is true for me - it's not even a thing of like, not knowing what's gonna happen - and by that I mean you might have some idea, but I'm not even saying that. Luis was there so he can back me up on this, but there have been times in my life - many times probably, and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that, but..."

And then his story fucking STINKS anyway.

This isn't even that good of an example, but it takes him half a minute to say "In my town, they said the local newscaster had a gerbil in his butt, but the whole thing is made up."

I want her to sit on my face for the duration of "Appetite For Destruction"

Jerking off into a potted plant in an office should be considered a party trick not assault.