How come none of you scallywags have called into J&S and brought up Princess Alena?

32  2017-10-09 by Single_Action_Army

I'd do it myself but I'm far too busy driving porn stars and fucking Lamborghinis in the morning hours.


We don't listen to his dumb show you dope.

That's the BIT!

International calls are a pain.

if someone prank calls a radio show & no-one hears, did it actually happen?

Princess Alena?

An individual who, at least in the current era, would be known as a courageous and stunning woman.

bigger than yours

we are in something like the biblical end times though, where all good things have become caricatures of itself and bad aspects are exceedingly celebrated

you should be calling in to get Jim to confess that he grossed Lauren out and she's running for hills.

More like Dave Smith got insecure at a man actually being able to make her laugh and put the hammer down

No one on this sub other than /u/braunheiser and /u/stinksskc actually listens to any show.

Except 100% Italian and ironical listening of Brain on the brink.

What time is it on? I actually have no idea.