Anyone ever get anxiety?

3  2017-10-09 by JoeCumiaSr

Or just me?


I once almost took a baby aspirin but was able to pull back due to fear of becoming addicted. What comedian am I?

Not Chris Farley.

Artie Lange?

Not just you sir. After long benders I pretty much become agoraphobic. It's the worst.

NOOOoooo we are all just here because we are such well-adjusted people.

Yes, but I manned up. Ride motorcycles, been on a few helicopter rides, and I'm planning to skydive soon. I feel like vomiting, but it's better than being a woman.

Why do you think we're all here

Honestly, sometimes I'm afraid of not waking up after my nightly cocktail of Xanax, Fentanyl, and Seroquel.

I have school shooter level obsessive compulsive disorder

No, you don't.

If I drink too much I can get it the next day.


Matarese: happens to me all the time...