Fuck, Marry, Kill: Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, and Steven Crowder

0  2017-10-09 by Suibu


im gonna marry, fuck and then kill you for asking such a dumb question

The Patton Oswald way.

Not sure but the thought of Killing Steven Crowder seems like the right choice.

No need to pick favorites. Just kill all 3 of them.

Can I dip my cock in syphilis-VX-aids?

your sister.

Marry Shapiro, he's the most intelligent of the 3 and least irritating. Fuck Crowder, I'd love to kill him and fuck Milo bit Milo enjoying it would make it much worse. Kill Milo cos I can't bring myself to fuck him and he's a gimp


A fag cos I like to play along with games and embrace mirth? Jokes on you virgin.

im from maryland tss

Fuck Milo, he seems like he'd be fun. Marry Ben Shapiro because he seems like a nice family man. Kill Crowder so I stop hearing about him.

Not Milo he's fabulous. Fuck the rest

im from maryland tss