Upvote if you hate the UK as much as me. Or don't

85  2017-10-08 by A_Friendly_Creeper


People are getting acid thrown in their faces daily by hostile Muslims. What the fuck are they doing?

Arresting people for wrongthink

Oh, well good, then. Wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

1920: largest empire in world history, routinely killing non-whites and Irish (but I repeat myself)

2017: literally the gayest country in the world

What the fuck happened?

Those Irish were damn good with potatoes though.

Not so good when the supply took a dip though.

The Ottoman Empire is making a comeback.

When's the Murphy Bed Dynasty comin' back or sumpthin'?

Wait...was it led my Murphy Brown? Booooo

They have literally ruled by women for half of their existence. I'm surprised British men are even allowed out of the house.

in WW1 all the guys with the good genes died, all the faggots managed to survive. these people are the descendants of faggots.

It all went wrong when the Brits didn't join Germany and Austria, because of fucking Belgium.

This is the most retarded thing I've read on this sub, the UK only lost 2% of it population in ww1.

Yes, the 2% that mattered.

Also, thanks for the comment pointing that out.

The French lost a shit load more. They were the most respected soldiers in the late 1800s. Now they're just thought of as surrender monkeys.

you ever look up french military stats?

the last time they a war without Napoleon, the United States was still owned by Britian.

Most of their "victories" are assissts, just like Brazil

you could look at just about anything in 1920 and then 2017 and wonder what the fuck happened

2017: literally the gayest country in the world

Key West, where the gays meet up, tried to create their own country called the Conch Republic. UK is literally gayer than that.

tried to create their own country

I sense a few problems with population sustainably in such a place

Isn't that good though?

Do you happen to call people you disagree with "snowflakes" and "cucks"?

Mayor Sadiq Khan? No wonder Dune Coon attacks are on the rise, you gave one of them the key to the whole city.

I want to call you an ignorant faggot for not knowing who he is until today, but on the other hand it's good to learn something new every day.

we took the big door down, now you don't need a key to get into the city ..... or a passport apparently.

I honestly think that, as an internet troll, I'm much more opposed than a woman


Yo, I'm retarded. Will change that

They're not people!

I hit the ceiling when, after the attack on London Bridge, Theresa May went on TV and said “We need to do a better job of censoring the internet.”

Your answer to terrorism is censoring the internet? Yeah - nice try.

dilly dilly

Yeah, that really boiled my turnips, too.

It burned my muffins no doubt.

I spat my crumpets and tea after that

I had a wank to Rachel Riley's bum after that

I'd like to have sex with her if you catch my drift

I'd like her to give me a few vowels

Even now, of course, there's no reason or excuse for committing thoughtcrime. It's merely a question of self-discipline, reality- control. But in the end there won't be any need even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.

Just to be clear, Theresa May is pretty unanimously embarrassing at this point. Even the Tories want rid of her.

They just hide behind the morals shit to look like they give a fuck about anything other than control.

Soon to be "The sun never rises on the British empire."

British Emirate now bro.

Was gonna give an upvote till I noticed the fan club :D

Join us. Ms. Matarese, the deaf kid next door and I meet every Tuesday.


Look at that bastardation of the Union Jack on the podium. England's war dead are in their graves...good thing too...they couldn't deal with this shit.


They changed the colors on their flag and made it into a shitty logo. Dummy.

Ah, I didn't even recognise it. Who gives a fuck anyway, the union is a fucking joke.

You guys couldn't Lord over other countries anymore so you had to Lord over yourselfs.

Flagellant Limey Pricks

That island spawned Mick and Keith. For that they get an eternity of good will from this gent.

I'm more of a Monkees fan myself

This article is horrific, but I still kind of like the brits.

(except for Essex)

All the good limeys emigrated to the colonies or were killed in WW2.

Fucking faggots

Oi yew yanks are just stupid awright - we 'aven't 'ad a shewtin' in AGES.

this is why we have our second amendment brits, dont evere make fun of us again. i love you guys but this shit is out of hand, im surprised yall arent banned from this sud yet....

Remember the last time an anti-Britain Breitbart article was posted, people were saying it was bullshit? Haha.

"Dumb americans" right?

Lol. Cant wait to visit Englanstan. Fucking cuck faggots.

You people routinely build wooden houses in tornado zones

Totally agree brother. You would hope that articles like this that they were going after people that deserved it, like the trove of thugs blatantly putting their crimes on twitter or the multiple terrorist accounts. Sadly, it'll be used to stop anyone from calling eachother faggot.

I'm going to play devil's advocate on this one.

A lot of us started using the internet when it was the wild west and it still is very wild. It's fun. You can say anything. You can say shit that is mildly threatening and creepy. Shit you wouldn't call someone and say.

But the role of the internet is changing. It isn't something people only use for fun. A lot of people aren't using the internet to fuck around anymore. There personal life is out there. They are posting pics of their family. There work life is out there. So the internet is becoming more intimate and sending people messages is more threatening now. You are all anonymous, but these people are not. So when you say something creepy to them it feels like someone calling your house and saying something creepy to you. If you are like me, you feel that your internet identity is completely separate from your true identity so you don't give a fuck. But the internet is becoming a personal space and people are feeeling more intruded upon in it. But I'm drunk so this might be complete bullshit, tbh.

you sound like a faggot

come at me UK

You pearl clutching faggot.

nice try opie

lol breitbart

fake news! :)

Fuck this shit. Genuinely going to start making plans to get the fuck out.

I don't want you going to prison for 100% Italian.


You chaps here all have a good sense of humour. Also, isn't Wales pretty much safe?

Ah, now it makes sense.

Fuck knows. All look the same to me.

Wait...was it led my Murphy Brown? Booooo