Reminder: jimmy kimmel is a virtue signaling faggotito

46  2017-10-08 by SibHashian13


sniff we just weren't that close...

He just cares too much...

He’s been permanently stuck in third place for 15 years. I thought his only talents were asskissing and schmoozing, but he’s very good at the virtue signaling now too! I’m waiting for him to go full ham, climb the Berlin Wall and declare, “Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev!” Won’t be shocked if he heads down to the Mexican border this week to do just that.

Kimmel is Opie. No talent but surrounded himself with the right people. Somehow convinced the suits that it was him, not Carolla, that was responsible for the moderate success of the Man Show. Only difference is that Kimmel isn’t an insecure asshole like Opie.

Its a shame Conan is exiled to TBS, he would have the best latenight show on the planet.

I can say that with confidence because ive never ever watched the Conan show on TBS. No one has.

I loved Conan more than the others but he fucking blew it. He acted like such a fag about the Tonight Show. It’s just a fucking time slot. But he treated it reverentially like it was this precious religious symbol. So he acted timid, didn’t do his show his way and didn’t hit the ground kicking ass despite having 5 years to prepare and create buzz. The mere fact that he waited around for 5 years instead of going elsewhere tells you he wasn’t the man for the job.

Conan was so good when he did the 12:30 show. What a drop off as well.

I still kinda like Conan.


Conan first took his time slot, then was kicked out

Exactly. Even though Jimmy Fallon is terrible at least when he got the job he kept the exact same show he was doing previously. Conan thought it was a good move to change the successful show he had developed for years just because he had changed names. The Tonight Show is not a good place to work shop what your show is going to be like

He got $40 million to go away and whined like a little bitch while the majority of Americans were in the middle of the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. I fact, he refers to the time as My Great Depression.

Now imagine how much he would cry if a dentist shot 500 lions.

Remember the Man Show? Know what isn't very manly? Crying publicly about everything. Literally crying. Like a lady.

Only women cry?

Yes. Only women cry all the time about things that don't affect them.

Wasn't the last time he cried over his son nearly dying?

Someone close to you, let alone your son going through something like that is an acceptable reason to cry. I remember when his uncle died years ago he gave a tearful speech that was actually really touching. And then he went on to cry about every natural disaster, shooting- including the shooting of a fucking lion- and celebrity death.

he should keep the crying at home.

It was about how if he were poor he couldn't afford to give his broken son the surgery he needs.

Is that incorrect?

Pretty much. In his made up world he needs to be a poor idiot with no insurance and prospects and if that's the case then your dumb son deserves to die.

Edgy, I like it!

The only way to defeat my edginess once and for all is to explain your philosophy on healthcare and the lives of sweet boys.

I don't think insurance kikes should be able to get rich off the healthcare needs of sick white people.

Interesting strategy, "opposing taxes is pro kikery."

Capitalism is just institutional Judaism.

Yeah I'm one of those people who loves expensive wars.

Single payer healthcare would cost a fraction of a percent of the money we spent on defense.

Yeah but American military hegemony is ultimately beneficial got world trade especially for a country that relies so much on imports. Also most of the m8litary money goes to treating the soldiers well which is why Chinese and Korean and Russian armies are a joke.

Ask actual veterans if they feel like they've been treated well once they leave the service. Most of the money goes towards building boats that stop working when they get wet and planes that don't fly.

It doesn't matter what they say I'm telling you an objective fact. In the Chinese military they don't even provide then food.

We're the greatest country on Earth; if you've ever been to a VA hospital you would understand that we could do so much better.

Sure the military can do better. That has nothing to do with my argument that thats where most of the money goes, treating the soldiers and employees the best in the world.

That's not where most of the money goes and you know it. It goes to contractors building shit we don't need that doesn't work. You're either lying or are misinformed.

Yeah, that graph right there has maintenance and personnel at the top. So thanks for that.

Operations / maintenance is taking care of supplies, and procurement / R&D combined are more than we spend on personnel. That's 352.6 billion on equipment versus 135.2 billion on people.

It's still the top two. Maintaining equipment means all equipment. That's perfectly fine. Again I'm not sure what the issue you have here is. And I'm not sure why you decided to spiral into this weird fucking argument this was about health insurance. I can't tell if you're a troll or just autistic.

I'd rather tax money went to healthcare than kike wars.

The money is spent on preventing wars you monumental shithead. The navy takes up most of it. Navy primarily deals in defending trade routes and rescue missions. You have no idea what any of these graphs mean.

The Navy is also the Marines, retard. That's why their percentage is so high. Also, (((trade routes))). Fuck off you crytpo-kike, stop defending globalist Judaism.

lol ok

No it was because he was making up an imaginary story about healthcare reform using his son's unfortunate circumstance as a platform for political advocacy.

He was crying because he was ashamed of himself.

There's literally nothing wrong with having empathy.

There literally is something very wrong with pretending to have empathy while reading Chuck Schumer's talking points to an audience that showed up for some light humor.

That doesn't change the fact that this """""""community"""""""" consists of nothing but sociopaths and autists who I wouldn't trust to take care of a fish let alone another human life.

So? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Think about it for five seconds, retard.

So you've come here to enlighten "autists an sociopaths" about empathy? Or you lost the argument and now you're just trying to divert.

No. I'm not here to spoonfeed you.

He used his son to sway the debate over repealing/replacing ObamaCare. He coordinated his monologues to match Democratic talking points provided by Chuck Schumer.

Kimmel is a Grade-A liberal asshole.

Obamacare is pro-InsuranceJew garbage.

He cried about Obamacare being great, even though there is zero chance he uses Obamacare, which is a massive failure.

no only women cry in public let alone a nationally syndicated television show.

no only women cry in public let alone a nationally syndicated television show.

The Man Show sucks, dude. It was barely funny at the time, and it's aged horribly over the years.

Once he cried about that lion, and really John Ritter as well, his tears meant nothing

Pissy eyed faggot.

Pfffffff. Jeee-sus Christ.

such a faggot.

pissy-eyed faggot.

Do you guys remember when Jimmy Kimmel was funny? Me neither.

The man show was good

when I was 14

Boobies dude. Fawk yeah

Cut him some slack - the guy's trying to do a show drunk; can you blame him if he gets a little weepy now and then?

Wrong Jimmy, Fallon is the lush.

Really? Kimmel's seemed half-cut, in the last few videos I've seen of him.

Kimmel brought back the backstage party/drinking to try to get a old hollywood feel, but i never heard of him having a problem. Fallon on the other hand had to actually come out and address his drinking after stories leaked to the press the NBC was concerned even tho he was number one at the time.

I know that Fallon's had issues, but Kimmel just seems to be over-emotional and slurring his words lately; in a three-shots-too-many kind of way.

Obviously, I'm speculating; as (like everyone else on this sub) I heed the words of Jim Norton and avoid the Perils of the Demon Drink.

Was way to blasted during that snl 40 thing

You people are so triggered. This is hilarious

Don't come here and use your gay SJW words, asshole.

so triggered

What did you mean by "You people"

If a man sniffling and crying about his political views on a comedy show doesn't trigger you.... Then you sir are a bigger faggot than Jimmy Kimmel

God that term REALLY got under you lefty's skin huh? I see so many of you trying to flip it really lamely.

"Oh you got annoyed when i told you youre a murdering nazi. Triggered!"

Its the fact that you feys have 0 threshold before you lose your shit

"Oh your kids got raped and murdered,triggered much?"


Someone needs a hug huh?

Mommy and Daddy dont listen to you when you tell them corn on the cob is appropriating the noble native culture... BUT IM HERE TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE... each one is precipus and beautiful and no 2 are the same.





I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i? Infinity


I got all day


I only think its an act. Fat man show kimmel is the real one. I'd cry like a faggot for 10 mil a year.

Watching him cry in a non ironic way and ranting about politics is kind of surreal. His emotional responses are textbook feminine. His response is something that I would expect from my sister or a female anchor. They're very difficult to watch not so much because of the cringe Factor but Kimmel actually premeditated this. Somewhere in his thought process this kind of response is acceptable for a man. A thought process that is dominated by emotion should not be allowed to vote let alone pontificate on National Television.

This stuff has to be coming from his wife right?

I think he's genuinely trying to make Healthcare his "legacy" but he doesn't seem to get that the issue isn't as simple as "we'd all have magic free Healthcare if only those mean old republicans would have a heart."

Hollywood liberals really are naive twats. To them, the only reason anyone could possibly disagree with them is because they're evil.

That's a great tactic for winning arguments "do disagree with me is evil!"

This shit is so annoying. I think I lost two friends last night because I didn't support completely disarming the population

I like him. But I enjoy a good fisting too.

I for one think jimmy kimmel is in fact 100% an faggot.

I think he's not that bad of a host, but this shit is gay. He's way funnier than Fallon and the way he went after Leno on that 10 at 10 or whatever the fuck it was was great. Letterman, who I hold as the gold standard had Kimmel in his mind to take his place so he saw something in him too.

I can't decide what's more gay: Kimmel or all of these "Reminder" threads.

Haha look at this guy who doesn't another tragedy to happen. What a cuck sjw beta male XD

I lost all respect for him when he started "crying" within the first thirty seconds of his monologue. This wasn't a personal issue (like Mike Schmidt) - it was about a news story.

Yes, it was tragic. No, you should not be an emotional wreck over it. He 100% put on an act to shill his BS politics - the same way he pimped his child out for his cause. Kimmel can go fuck himself.

Stop being a Triggered faggot



Bitch ass motherfucker.

Late night comedy shows all suck and are not funny. Especially James Cordon?

I get him crying about his kid. That's one thing. I'm not even a big tough alpha like you guys, but I still went "Jesus, he's crying again?" when I saw this.

Yes. Only women cry all the time about things that don't affect them.

no only women cry in public let alone a nationally syndicated television show.

no only women cry in public let alone a nationally syndicated television show.

Kimmel brought back the backstage party/drinking to try to get a old hollywood feel, but i never heard of him having a problem. Fallon on the other hand had to actually come out and address his drinking after stories leaked to the press the NBC was concerned even tho he was number one at the time.


The Navy is also the Marines, retard. That's why their percentage is so high. Also, (((trade routes))). Fuck off you crytpo-kike, stop defending globalist Judaism.