Weekly Free-For-All Thread: October 08, 2017

0  2017-10-08 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

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heeheehee I love the weekly free-for-all threads! again! again!

Hey it's me, Joe Matareeezszszszeeee

Wilcome to tha padcasth

Hi Joe!

Twisted Fister 🎵"I WANNA COCK" 🎶

These threads are useful for my weekly Jew hate refill

You need refills?

Yes they're REALLY good at manipulation, I tell ya

Tell me

Shut the fuck up


You keep saying this. It is incredibly rude. Stop.

I need a place to stay.

Have you tried crime as a means to support your lifestyle? It can work ive heard

yo i'll pay fifty bucks for a vizio sound bar up in this muugg

I have an anus.

I dont

I help make one for u.


Brought to you by the Make An Anus Foundation.

That's why I come to this sub. For the intellectual conversation.

I have a pecka

I don’t

Opie is giving back to the community through volunteer work. He's in a good place these days, brother man.

Lots to discuss this week gang.

Thoughts on Ralphie Mays death? What say you?


It happened

Ya kiddin'!

He was fat.

I wonder how many people actually did leave because of the Kuhn incident.


Yeah this place is totally like the bar from Cheers. Take a break from the internet.

where everybody knows you're gay

that's a lange joke

I met a Tinder date friday night who lectured me on my "white privledge" and the general idea of how awesome being a white man is... She wasn't wrong entirely, and i want to stick my dick where her shit comes out, so I didnt argue back too hard, even though she is obviously stupid.

Screen shot that profile

I fuck skinny 6's, anyone wanna see nudes of my exes or my selfie dick-pics?

Sure, let's see exes and dicks.

Why not?

Show me all if it. All 7 inches.

7 inches ≈ 18 cm

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10

Don't try to make it sound bigger you stupid faggoty robot.

I turned my phone off all weekend and woke up to zero messages. Worst feeling.

LOL fucking loser. I had hot babes texting me all weekend.

"hell yeah. i was fuckin. HAHAHAHAHHAHA whoooooo" - cum town reaction

Sometimes I get news alerts and for a second it makes me think someone actually wants to talk to me.

I remember when I quit Facebook years ago and it killed my social life overnight. People I had known for 10 years stopped returning my calls.

You've never ass fucked a cat have you?

Are we all on board hoping for fellow Redditor Christopher Kuhn to get the death sentence?

My girlfriend wet the bed last night, it was awesome.


Your mother's CUNT.

646-600-3498= Luis 347-277-5223= Dave

What happened to the self prostate massage thread?

there is a website called poopsterbate.com and I love it

I'm high and Dave Smith still isn't funny.


to the tune of mickey mouse

N I G, G E R

Spear chuckers, "Niggers".

Have you tried crime as a means to support your lifestyle? It can work ive heard

Screen shot that profile