Norm on Patton

30  2017-10-08 by Notmyfirstacc3


I didn't like how Norm just did his standup on CCC. That said, it was better than the borefest of NML season 3. This is definitely going to affect his power ranking.

season 3 was still better than anything on tv, shy of bruce jenner ep

Norm did bits the whole time. Most comics basically do that on ccc, but Norm made no attempt to disguise it as conversation.

There's nothing worse than when they pretend they're making off the cuff observations.

Who cares if it was a bit, its a tv show, he's not trying to hide it.

Now I've seen this clip many times, the thing I love about it, that you give no credit for, is how perfectly delivered it was.

If he stumbled even slightly, or if jerry reacted differently, the joke woulda have fallen flat. That was all in the execution, not the joke.

Now he did that as well if not better than Rodney doin his standup on the couch convo with Johnny. Rodney did it with stand up energy, norms way works better

Seinfeld was surprisingly slow to pick up on that punchline. Norm had to Amy Schumer it before Jerry got it.

Seinfeld is autistic as fuck.

I think he's just a good host and didn't want to step on the punchline

season 3 was still better than anything on tv, shy of bruce jenner ep