It's that time of the night again...

27  2017-10-08 by FlashVirus


The joke really got to him:

Ant can be so sensitive sometimes, he says weird things

Ant is so odd. He has a great sense of humor about himself if Jimmy or some comedian is busting his chops. But if anyone else does it he loses his shit.

The same could be said for almost all the comics from O&A.

Remember when Jimmy unfollowed almost everyone on Twitter as if to make a statement? Deep down, that's what they're truly like.

Except Colin

You could punch him in the mouth and he’d just mumble something incoherent about letting bygones be bygones.

Colin’s a splendid egg.

Civilians don't get the same privileges as obviously talented performers! Duh!

it seems as though his face is his achilles pockmarks

Ant sure does enjoy getting liquored up and tweeting, doesn't he?

Wow, that 19 year old girl seriously bested him in that Twitter exchange. All Ant could say that is she would be ugly when she's older, but it's not like she doesn't know that.

When little kids say, "If I had a million dollars, I would..." they never end with "...get drunk by myself and argue with internet strangers at 4 a.m."