With Artie being around there's been more talk of heroin obviously. But never forget, Jimmy came face to face with a pot brownie a couple of months ago and lived to tell about it.

37  2017-10-08 by A_Friendly_Creeper

Think about that as you enter your weekend. For those unemployed, congrats, every day is a weekend.


He's recovering, stop making light of it

yeah, re-covering up having a life threatening issue or something

Thank heavens he had a sponsor to run out and call.

How many times did the sponsor roll his eyes while on the phone with Jim?

Imagine how he felt when Zima had that nostalgia release a few months ago.

Probably the same as a woman who sees her rapist 30 years later.

That story was so bizarre to me because Jim's a stand-up comedian and stand-up comedy is rife with cocaine and alcohol abuse, or so I've been told. I'm sure the reality is beyond my comprehension, I'm a civilian after all!

Jimmy is a trooper. Someone once had the audacity to offer him a scoop of rum raisin. How he made it out of there without relapsing is beyond me.

The struggle IS real dammit!

An edible would be the funniest way for him to ruin his sobriety. Having a multiple-hour panic attack, sobbing like a girl and asking "will it be like this forever?"

What's more dangerous, the THC, or the calories from fat?

True story (and it's hard to get through this but let me try) but I had like three brownies the other day. I know. No, they're not pot brownies or anything, they're just regular brownies. But do you understand how many calories are in those goddamn things? So I was spiraling out of control and I had to stop. It was really difficult, I think I need a sponsor. A brownie sponsor. Wow, that was tough, but it really feels good to get that out there.

You crazy bastard

When Jimmy was a teenager he equipped himself with a butcher knife and ventured into the ghetto to buy tampons to shove in his twat. He’s seen some shit, man.