Opie’s new “job opportunity” is being a dad

41  2017-10-07 by LangisKhan

That’s his bit

He doesn’t actually have work


get the fuck outta here?!

Remember when he was bitching to Louis CK that he had to help his kids with their homework. I bet he's a great father.

More than that, he was making the argument that “why does my/any kid have homework? Don’t they have enought time to do it at school?” Like he would unironically wear Bart Simpson’s “Down With Homework” shirt and seriously think he was being edgy and cool.

But the best part of that was Louie having to explain the concept of homework to him like a child: “Well, it’s to teach your kids how to solve problems on their own. It teaches them self-reliance and y’know, like... [jizzes on a female opener’s shoes and blouse]”

The Bill Cosby of our generation

He also referred to spending time with his kids as "babysitting." Presumably this was while Lyndsi was out of the house (certainly not cucking him of course) and he was alone with Hudson and Opetta, but only a shit parent would say that.


Gets me every time.

I love Opetta better than her real name, which is Lennon

I thought it was Nile?

Let's hope Mark David Chapman takes care of her before she's old enough to google her dad.

whats up with diss fawwkin elementary addition/subtraction probluums. Fawkin brootal

How long until he's shoplifting electronics from Walmart?

This wouldn't actually surprise me. I could easily see him spinning being unable to get work to him choosing to spend quality time with his family.

This hasn't even happened and I'm getting annoyed at him for saying it. He would though the lying cunt.

He's going to lose this job too when his wife divorces him and gets full custody.

He is being a house husband while his wife works she is the only employable one in the family

she is the only employable one in the family

As what? A fluffer on the set of the next Jackass movie?

Opie is obviously a stupid unemployable faggot, but because we live in an unjust and godless universe, there's no way his wife would need to work. However, Spuds is of course dumb enough to believe his wife is going to work when she leaves the house to cuck him.

He mentioned on Twitter that he had 2 jobs. Whatever he has going on and being a Dad. I don't blame you for not seeing that tweet.

Being a husband is his other job.

  1. Being a professional faggot
  2. Being professionally retarded

Professional means you get paid for doing it.

Fair enough, but he got paid for it for 20 years.

Being a husband is the other one.

No, no

His two jobs are being a husband and father

Astranged husband and Step father

Or each of his kids is a job.

Especially the retarded one.

Stay at home dads are all cucks.

Incidentally, my dream is to be a stay at home dad.

When you are a dad you have 2 jobs: Work and family. You'd have to be a real faggot not cut that workload in half and let your woman pay the bills.

If the job was real he would have tweeted it 100 times by now.

Cool, so like 7 years into it he decided to "Choose" to be a dad? You mean he'll stop spending all day out of the house, walking around, checking out beaches and relaxing by himself? That's nice that he made that decision after getting fired and realizing no one wants to hire him.

Don't tell me Bam died?!?!?!
I don't think I could handle a week where Petty, Ralphie and Bam all died.

That's really the hardest and most rewarding job out there, wouldn't you say, fellas?

I pray for my demise everyday

Single dad

He has an opportunity that presented itself (No one will hire me and Lynsi wants to get out more so I have to stay home with the kids) Radio will have to wait (Radio doesn't want you)

He worked three hours a day - I'm sure he feels that taking care of his kids is a real job.

Fair enough, but he got paid for it for 20 years.

I love Opetta better than her real name, which is Lennon