Where are we at with the Steam?

3  2017-10-07 by A_Friendly_Creeper

I'll take my Steam gaming console and you can have your PS4's and Xboxes, thank you very much


build a PC, shitdick. also, and more to the point, i think Steam is good.

I was joking about that part. I have a PS4 and that's all I need.

I have 260 games in my Steam library(fuckin' sales). 15 are installed, 4 I play sometimes.

Mostly just play Diablo 3.

People still play that? How long can you be content doing the same thing over and over?

Oh wait, I just described all computer games.

You get tired of edging sometimes.

It is a lot of effort, but then I bought Dark Souls 3 and that was way more effort. Edging doesn't seem so tiresome all of a sudden.

good fawwkkin numbahs

I have over 150 game on Xbox One (most that were free with xbox gold) and I only play three.

yeah well i have 500 games and i dont play any of them, too busy getting cuuz

isnt that the retard version of path of exile

I recently replayed borderlands 2. Pretty good

Why the fuck would you play D3 when you can play Path of Exile?

If my rig weren’t top notch i would own a steam machine. But i love steam as a platform

I've promised myself to be nicer so I can't criticize the use of the term rig

Listen i built the shit so ill call it whatever i damn we’ll please. Also steam curators are great especially for horror games

What did it cost you total?

My Last build after new monitors it was about 1,500.

I'm thinking about getting a decent monitor and use my PS4 on that and buy some small speakers...I could save a lot vs using televisions.

I hooked my TV up to my computer and canceled cable. So i have my monitor right below my TV. Works out great. The only upside to a ps4 or xbox to me are the sports and exclusive games. My last set up was a cheap pre made acer and $70 speakers with a stock monitor and it worked great for years.

We got any O&A subreddit Steam groups back there, Earl?

People still play that? How long can you be content doing the same thing over and over?

Oh wait, I just described all computer games.

good fawwkkin numbahs

I have over 150 game on Xbox One (most that were free with xbox gold) and I only play three.

isnt that the retard version of path of exile

I recently replayed borderlands 2. Pretty good

Why the fuck would you play D3 when you can play Path of Exile?