Is Scorch coming to the big screen?!

13  2017-10-07 by zealot416


Yo Scorch. You need to ditch the fucking piercing, you old fuck.

this late in the game the piercing is essential

I bet he could really use the advice of some dumb anonymous internet faggot on a fan site over the casting director of any of his projects.

I don't think scorch's projects have casting directors. He tends bar for christ sake

Weird Booze

You seem like a real badass.

PFG news!

He's going to be the new king in the next season of Vikings

Young starlet taking tinsel town by storm.

"I only trust what I can kill!!!"

sounds like Sick Fawkin' Puppies lyrics...

dvv dvvvvvt

Scorch definitely as the teeth of someone living in 6th century Scandinavia.

Who did he con to get into this commercial?

Unironically funnier than Opie's Last Laugh appearance.

Opie's Last Laugh

Link? The links posted here are all dead

scorch killing it

If there is any justice in the world. Yes

And Opie is out of work. Sometimes there is justice in the world.

He really needs to ditch the eyebrow piercing. It's distracting and stupid.

He's a strange fuck, but goddamn if I'm not proud of the guy. Grinding out a living in LA while Opie languishes at his new "job."