Not pictured, but also present in this photo: Opie's career and Anthony's dignity

17  2017-10-07 by shaqfan99


This isn't the best picture to remember someone by. There are two comics visibly embarrassed to be with Ralphie.

Patrice may just be in shock he looks like Dave Chappelle in 2002 standing around Ralphie, who looks like he's 800 pounds.

George has to shut his eyes he's so embarrassed.

Is the guy with the (((nose))) Danny?

Yes. His side profile clearly shows the genetic deficiencies of the Ross bloodline.

Nice shot of the Eternal Jew Ross bortom right. Draw some rat whiskers on him for instant 1930s propaganda.

The nose knows

He looks exactly like the cartoon of that jew rubbing his hands.

a solid resemblance

Note this is a documentary, and therefore undisputed fact.

RIP Danny Ross

Lt.Dan, Lt. Dan that Eyetalian boy gonna die.

If this was a Final Destination movie, Anthony would be next.

Ralphie is pretty much overweight Chip Chipperson but likes rap not metal

Jesus, Patrice was fat as fuck and he looks tiny compared to Ralphie.

Skinny Patrice

Goddamn man, Danny Ross really looks like a merchant in this picture.