On /r/AskReddit: 'What screams, "I'm insecure"?' Almost every single top rated response is something Opie does.

6  2017-10-07 by ArtificePink


19.5k points Telling obvious lies on any social media platforms.

15.1k points 10 hours ago Constantly putting down your friends and one upping every story you hear

13.1k points 10 hours ago Inability to admit you're wrong. Being a sore loser.

You're just another fawkin' hater. But it don't bother ME: in the least, ta be hannist witchya. Not in the ffffawkin' least.

I just wanna move on with my fawkin' life but for some reason Reddit won't let me do dat which is, uh, extremely strange to me. sniff

Opie has daily selfie posts?

Worse, he has pop-up shows.

Worse, he has pop-up shows.