Joe Matarese would lose his temper on audiences after bombing, and on Big Jay if he followed and killed it. Suffice to say, he does not like Big Jay.

11  2017-10-06 by disawayisthrows


Time stamp is around the 7 minute mark or so.

If you right-click the video and select "Copy video URL at current time" instead of copying the URL from the search bar it will time stamp the video.

god matarese is an ass, everyone has a story about this clown

crackle crackle

Id like to hear Joe Matarese's response to this (100% Italian) u/porsalin

Welcome to my paaawd cast

I cant get into bonfire, as much as I try

Weird coincidence that right after bringing up Matarese they start asking if you can every truly like someone whose comedy you don't respect.

Forget about J. Matarese! If you make past the 1:20 mark you will be treated to the self-described, self-inflicted, elitist preaching of "comedian" Pete Dominick. Ugh...Joe's act is a breath of fresh air compared to this jag.