OPINION: Are Anthony & Brother Joe Racists?

0  2017-10-06 by OpiesInnerCircle

I want the subs feedback!

Anthony: Yes or No? Brother Joe: Yes or No?


Well you can't be racist if you are black, so no.

Brother Joe is not racist and also not a pedophile.

Anthony is pretty up-front that he is both.

You're too sensitive for this place. You won't fill the void of needing constant validation from this sub. You'll keep getting hurt.

No one actually really cares if either of them are racist. People go after Ant because he's so easy to mock and Joe because he's an asshole.

How can these two fine WHITE gentleman be racist


sorry wrong pic i meant these brothers https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bx2VmIlCcAE202k.png

I don't think either are card carrying white supremacists, but because of their upbringing, they have a preconceived notion about black people and aren't afraid to let the world know. I also think both are capable of being kind to black people, so I'd call they low grade racists with big mouths and happy typing fingers.